We’ve detected an issue on your IAB TC string on one or more of your sites or apps.
These errors may affect your ability to serve ads to European users.
A detailed report is available for you on the EU user consent page.
Resolve this error with manually follow these some steps
First Steps

Second Steps

Third Steps – Install Anyone Cookies Plugin

Fourth Steps – Activate Cookies Plugin in Website

Fifth Steps – Cookie Plugin Setting

Sixth Steps – Now You Can see Cookie in Website Footer

We’ve detected an issue on your IAB TC string on one or more of your sites or apps.

The report will contain the following information about each of the detected errors:
The site or mobile app that is misconfigured.
Ad unit path: The ad unit associated with the error.
Error code: The code assigned to the error.
Error count: The number of queries containing the error that were observed during the previous week.
Last detected date:
The last date on which the error was detected.
Publishers can use the error codes listed in the report to find the suggested actions to be taken in the following troubleshooting tables and resolve the errors.
To help publishers fix misconfigured IAB TCF v2.0 integrations, we’ve assembled the following tables of the most common TC string error types as well as corresponding troubleshooting recommendations.
Use the tables to understand the issues occurring at the ad-request level as well as the corresponding system behavior.