Software Engineering MCQ UNIT -3 Software engineering is a detailed study of engineering to the design, development and maintenance of software. Software engineering was introduced to address the issues of low-quality software projects. Problems arise when a software generally exceeds timelines, budgets, and reduced levels of quality.
Unit 3: Software engineering mcq questions
1.Software design yields __ levels of
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
Answer: Option (b)

2.Which of the following is not an Advantage of
a. Smaller components are easier to
b. Concurrent execution can be made
c. Program cannot be divided based on
functional aspects.
d. Desired level of abstraction can be brought
in the program.
Answer: Option (c)
3.How many types of cohesion are there in
software design?
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8
Answer: Option (c)
4.Which of the following defines the degree of intra-dependability within elements of a module?
a. Cohesion
b. Coupling
c. Design Verification
d. None of the above
Answer: Option (a)
5.When multiple modules share a common data structure and work on different part of it, it is called _.
a. Common coupling
b. Share coupling
c. Data coupling
d. Stamp coupling
Answer: Option (d)
6.Which tool is use for structured designing?
a. Program Chart
b. Structure Chart
c. Module Chart
d. All the above
Answer: Option (b)
7.In Design phase, which is the primary area of concern?
a. Architecture
b. Data
c. Interface
d. All of the above
Answer: Option (d)
8.Which of the following is the best type of module cohesion?
a. Functional Cohesion
b. Temporal Cohesion
c. Functional Cohesion
d. Sequential Cohesion
Answer: Option (a)
9.Which of the following is the worst type of module coupling?
a. Control Coupling
b. Stamp Coupling
c. External Coupling
d. Content Coupling
Answer: Option (D)
10.Choose the option that does not define Function Oriented Software Design.
a. It consists of module definitions.
b. Modules represent data abstraction.
c. Modules support functional abstraction.
d. None of the above
Answer: Option (b)
11.Defects removal efficiency (DRE) depends on:
a. E: errors found before software delivery
b. D: defects found after delivery to user
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above
Answer: Option (c)
12.Which of the following is an indirect measure of product?
a. Quality
b. Complexity
c. Reliability
d. All of the above
Answer: Option (d)
13.Which of the following is not a direct measure of SE process?
a. Efficiency
b. Cost
c. Effort Applied
d. All of the above
Answer: Option (a)
14.Which of the following is false?
a. The user has no control over the contents
of a static web page.
b. The static content objects are dependent on the actions of the user.
c. It is expected to have less number of
connections for a good web application.
d. Both A and B
Answer: Option (b)
15.Function Point Computation is given by the formula
a. FP = [count total * 0.65] + 0.01 * sum(Fi)
b. FP = count total * [0.65 + 0.01 * sum(Fi)]c. FP = count total * [0.65 + 0.01] * sum(Fi)
d. FP = [count total * 0.65 + 0.01] * sum(Fi)
Answer: Option (b)
SMI stands for?
a. Software Mature Indicator
b. Software Mature Index
c. Software Maturity Index
d. Software Maturity Indicator
Answer: Option (c)
Statement and branch coverage metrics are part
a. Analysis Model
b. Source Code
c. Design Model
d. Testing
Answer: Option (d)
Size and Complexity are a part of
a. Product Metrics
b. Process Metrics
c. Project Metrics
d. None of the above
Answer: Option (a)
Number of errors found per person hours expended is an example of a
a. Measurement
b. Measure
c. Metric
d. None of the above
Answer: Option (c)
The arc-to-node ratio is given as r = a/n. What does “a” represent in the ratio?
a. maximum number of nodes at any level
b. longest path from the root to a leaf
c. number of modules
d. lines of control
Answer: Option (d)
Which of these are the various techniques to
generate design alternatives?
a. Determine Functional Component
b. Determine Component based quality attribute.
c. Modify an existing architecture.
d. All of the mentioned
Answer: Option (d)
Which of the following truly describes the approach determining functional component?
a. This approach is based on studying the SRS and brainstorming candidate architectural constituents responsible for coherent collections of functional and data requirements.
b. This approach begins by forming constituent and constituent relationship to satisfy non-functional requirements.
c. This approach is used for similar program if architecture is available, it can be used as starting point.4
d. This approach describes the problem.
Answer: Option (a)
Functional components for a working model can be stated as which of the following?
a. Configuring Process Start up
b. Providing User interface
c. Allowing user to monitor and repa1ir the system.
d. All of the mentioned
Answer: Option (d)
The Non-functional components consist of
a. Re usability
b. Adaptability
c. Reliability
d. All of the mentioned
Answer: Option (d)
Which of the following statement is true?
a. Device interface module is a software
simulation of, or interface to, a real
hardware device or system.
b. A virtual device is a way to design a
program with complex interfaces to
device or other systems.
c. The program units in the device
interface module hides all details of
interaction with hardware devices.
d. None of the mentioned.
Answer: Option (c)
Which of these are followed for an ideal
a. Do exactly one job completely.
b. Be loosely coupled to the rest of the
c. Never change interface.
d. All of the mentioned
Answer: Option (d)
Which among these best represents Coupling
for an ideal device?
a. Do exactly one job completely.
b. Be loosely coupled to the rest of the
c. Hide its Implementation.
d. Never change its interface
Answer: Option (b)
Which among these best represents
simplicity for an ideal device?
a. Do exactly one job completely.
b. Be loosely coupled to the rest of the
c. Have a simple and consistent
interface meeting the needs of the
rest of the program.
d. Never change its interface
Answer: Option (C)
Which among these are the methods to
improve software architecture?
a. Combine Alternatives
b. Impose an architectural style.
c. Apply a mid-level design pattern.
d. All of the mentioned
Answer: Option (d)
Which among these signifies applying midlevel design pattern?
a. The best features of two or more design
alternatives can be combined into an
improved design.
b. The approximate particular style may
be improved by modifying them to fit
the style exactly.
c. The architectural styles applied at
low level of abstraction.
d. None of the mentioned
Answer: Option (c)
The intent of project metrics is:
a. Minimization of development schedule.
b. for strategic purposes
c. assessing project quality on ongoing
d. minimization of development
schedule and assessing project
quality on ongoing basis.
Answer: Option (d)
Which of the following is an indirect
measure of product?
a. Quality
b. Complexity
c. Reliability
d. All of the Mentioned
Answer: Option (d)
In size-oriented metrics, metrics are
developed based on the _
a. number of Functions
b. number of user inputs
c. number of lines of code
d. amount of memory usage
Answer: Option (c)
Which of the following is not an information
domain required for determining function point
in FPA?
a. Number of user Input
b. Number of user Inquiries
c. Number of external Interfaces
d. Number of errors
Answer: Option (d)
Usability can be measured in terms of
a. Intellectual skill to learn the system
b. Time required to become moderately
efficient in system usage
c. Net increase in productivity
d. All of the mentioned
Answer: Option (d)
A graphical technique for finding if changes
and variation in metrics data are meaningful is
known as
a. DRE (Defect Removal Efficiency)
b. Function points analysis
c. Control Chart
d. All of the mentioned
Answer: Option (c)
Which of the following does not affect the
software quality and organizational
a. Market
b. Product
c. Technology
d. People
Answer: Option (a)
Size and complexity are part of
a. Process metrics
b. Project metrics
c. Product metrics
d. All of the mentioned
Answer: Option (b)
Architectural design metrics focus on
a. Program architect
b. Data structure
c. Internal module complexity.
d. Module effectiveness and Architectural design
Answer: Option (d)
Which are not measurable characteristics of object-oriented design?
a. Efficiency
b. Cost
c. Size
d. Volatability
Answer: Option (d)
Which of the following is not an objective of high-level design activity?
a. To identify the important components of the system.
b. To design the layering among the components of the system.
c. To design the algorithms used in different components
d. To identify the call relationships among different components
Answer: Option (C)
In which of the following design phases, do the software designers free to make any alterations, corrections and modifications?
a. Preliminary design phase
b. Detailed design phase
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
Answer: Option (a)
Which one of the following types of cohesion
can be considered as the best form of cohesion?
a. Logical
b. Coincidental
c. Temporal
d. Functional
Answer: Option (d)
During the detailed design of a module, which
one of the following is designed?
a. Data structures and algorithms
b. Control structure
c. Data flow structure
d. Module call relationships
Answer: Option (a)
Which one of the following is the correct
ordering of the coupling of modules from strongest
to weakest?
a. Content, common, control, stamp, data
b. Common, content, control, stamp, data
c. Content, data, common, stamp, common
d. Data, control, common, stamp, content
Answer: Option (a)
Which of the following objectives are not the
one that the software designing phase claim to
i. Identify software design activities
ii. Identify important items developed during
the software design phase
iii. To improve the designing skills of the
a. All i, ii and iii are correct.
b. Only i and ii are correct.
c. Only i and iii are correct.
d. None of the given options is correct.
Answer: Option (b)
Which of the following statements is true?
i. The software design phase comes after the feasibility and resources analysis phase.
ii. The quality of the software depends upon the design phase a lot.
a. Only i is true.
b. Only ii is true.
c. Both i and ii are true.
d. None of them is true.
Answer: Option (c)
What encapsulates both data and data manipulation functions?
a. Object
b. Class
c. Super Class
d. Sub Class
Answer: Option (a)
Which of the following is a mechanism that allows several objects in a class hierarchy to have different methods with the same name?
a. Aggregation
b. Polymorphism
c. Inheritance
d. All of the mentioned
Answer: Option (A)
Which of the following points related to Object-oriented development (OOD) is true?
a. OOA is concerned with developing an object model of the application domain.
b. OOD is concerned with developing an object-oriented system model to implement requirements.
c. All of the mentioned
d. None of the mentioned
Answer: Option (c)
Which of the following is not a direct measure
of SE process?
a. Efficiency
b. Cost
c. Effort Applied
d. All of the above
Answer: Option (a)
Function Point Computation is given by the formula
a. FP = [count total * 0.65] + 0.01 * sum(Fi)
b. FP = count total * [0.65 + 0.01 * sum(Fi)]c. FP = count total * [0.65 + 0.01] * sum(Fi)
d. FP = [count total * 0.65 + 0.01] * sum(Fi)
Answer: Option (B)
Which of the following does not belong to FURPS?
a. Functionality
b. Usability
c. Reliability
d. Speed Efficiency
Answer:Option (d)
__ is the first step in the software development life cycle.
a. Analysis
b. Design
c. Problem/Opportunity Identification
d. Development and Documentation
Answer:Option (c)
__ tool is used for structured designing.
a. Program flowchart
b. Structure chart
c. Data-flow diagram
d. Module
Answer: Option (b)
A clear statement of the goals and objectives of the project is; in the analysis phase, the development of the __ occurs.
a. documentation
b. flowchart
c. program specification
d. design
Answer: Option (c)
__ designs and implement database structures.
a. Programmers
b. Project managers
c. Technical writers
d. Database administrators
Answer: Option (d)
In the design phase, __ is the primary area of concern.
a. Architecture
b. Data
c. Interface
d. All of the mentioned
Answer: Option (d)
m A single word __ summarize the importance of software design.
(a) Efficiency
(b) Accuracy
(c) Quality
(d) Complexity
Answer: Option (c)
__ is not an area of concern in the design model.
a. Architecture
b. Data
c. Interfaces
d. Project scope
Answer: Option (d)
Which of these are characteristics of a good design?
a. The design must implement all explicit requirements available in requirement model.
b. The design must accommodate all implicit requirements given by stakeholders.
c. voice recognition commands
d. All of the above options
Answer: Option (d)
Which of the following is not a characteristic common to all design methods?
a. configuration management
b. functional component representation
c. quality assessment guidelines
d. refinement heuristics
Answer: Option (a)
__ is not a characteristic common to
all design methods.
a. configuration management
b. functional component representation
c. quality assessment guidelines
d. refinement heuristics
Answer: Option (a)
Which are the characteristics of good software design?
a. The design must implement all explicit requirements available in requirement model.
b. The design must accommodate all implicit requirements given by stakeholders.
c. The design must be readable & understandable.
d. All of the above options
Answer: Option (d)
__ transforms class models into design class realization and prepares data structure (data design) required to implement the software.
a. Data Design
b. Architectural Design
c. Interface Design
d. Procedural Design
Answer: Option (a)
__ defines the relationship between major structural elements of the software.
a. Data Design
b. Architectural Design
c. Interface Design
d. Procedural Design
Answer: Option (b)
__ defines how software communicates with systems & with humans. An interface implies a flow of information & behavior.
a. Data Design
b. Architectural Design
c. Interface Design
d. Procedural Design
Answer: Option (c)
__ transforms structural elements of software into procedural description of software components.
a. Data Design
b. Architectural Design
c. Interface Design
d. Procedural Design
Answer: Option (d)
Which of the following is wrong with reference to Software Design Principles.
a. Design process should not suffer from “tunnel vision”.
b. Design should be traceable to the analysis model.
c. Design should not reinvent the wheel.
d. Design should “maximize the intellectual distance” between the software and the real-world problem.
Answer: Option (d)
Which of the following is Architectural Styles
a. Data-centered architecture style
b. Data-flow architectures
c. Call and return architecture.
d. All of the above options
Answer: Option (d)
Filter & Pipes are the concept of which
Architectural Style
a. Data-centered architecture style
b. Data-flow architectures
c. Call and return architecture.
d. Layered architecture
Answer: Option (b)
Main program/subprogram architectures & Remote procedure call architectures are sub styles of __.
a. Data-centered architecture style
b. Data-flow architectures
c. Call and return architecture
d. Layered architecture
Answer: Option (c)
Which option does not define Function Oriented Software Design?
a. It consists of module definitions.
b. Modules represent data abstraction.
c. Modules support functional abstraction.
d. None of the mentioned
Answer: Option (b)
Structured Analysis is based on, which
a. Top-down decomposition approach
b. Divide and conquer principle.
c. Graphical representation of results using
d. All of the mentioned
Answer: Option (d)
Rectangle represents __ DFD
a. Transform
b. Data Store
c. Function
d. None of the mentioned
Answer: Option (b)
Structural decomposition is concerned with
function calls.
Answer: Option (a)
A function-oriented design focuses on the
entities in the system rather than the data
processing activities.
Answer: Option (b)
The system is denoted by __ in DFD.
a. Circle
b. Arrow
c. Rectangle
d. Triangle
Answer: Option (a)
Which of the following is not an activity of
Structured Analysis (SA)?
a. Functional decomposition
b. Transformation of a textual problem
description into a graphic model
c. All the functions represented in the
DFD are mapped to a module structure.
d. All of the mentioned
Answer: Option (c)
The results of structured analysis can be easily
understood by ordinary customers.
Answer: Option (a)
Structured Analysis is based on the principle of
Bottom-Up Approach.
Answer: Option (b)
Which of the following points are true, with reference to the Object-oriented development (OOD)?
a. OOA is concerned with developing an object model of the application domain.
b. OOD is concerned with developing an object-oriented system model to implement requirements
c. All of the mentioned.
d. None of the mentioned
Answer: Option (c)
__ is a disadvantage of OOD.
a. Easier maintenance
b. Objects may be understood as stand-alone entities.
c. Objects are potentially reusable components.
d. None of the mentioned
Answer: Option (d)
A software component
a. Implements some functionality.
b. Has explicit dependencies through
provides and required interfaces.
c. Communicates through its interfaces only.
d. All of the mentioned
Answer: Option (d)
Design patterns are not applicable to the design of object-oriented software?
Answer: Option (b)
__ is/are the characteristics of a wellformed design class.
a. Primitiveness
b. High cohesion
c. Low coupling
d. All of the above
Answer: Option (d)
Independence of module is assessed using two qualitative criteria. What are those criteria?
a. Cohesion and coupling
b. Module and modularity
c. Cyclomatic complexity and modularity
d. None of the above
Answer: Option (a)
Cohesion is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module
a. can be written more compactly.
b. focuses on just one thing.
c. is able to complete its function in a timely manner.
d. is connected to other modules and the outside world.
Answer: Option (b)
Coupling is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module
a. can be written more compactly.
b. focuses on just one thing.
c. is able to complete its function in a timely manner.
d. is connected to other modules and the outside world.
Answer: Option (d)
Which of the property of software modularity is incorrect with respect to benefits software modularity?
a. Modules are robust.
b. Module can use other modules.
c. Modules Can be separately compiled and
stored in a library.
d. Modules are mostly dependent.
Answer: Option (d)
__ is an indication of the relative
functional strength of a module.
a. Cohesion
b. Coupling
c. Modularity
d. Cohesion and coupling.
Answer: Option (a)
Independent modules are easier to maintain and
test because of __ .
a. Code modification is limited.
b. Error propagation is reduced.
c. Reusable modules are possible.
d. All of the above
Answer: Option (d)
__ is a measure of the degree of
interdependence between modules.
a. Cohesion
b. Coupling
c. None of the mentioned
d. All of the mentioned
Answer: Option (b)
A software engineer must design the modules
with the goal of high cohesion and low coupling.
Answer: Option (a)
In __ coupling, the complete data
structure is passed from one module to another.
a. Control Coupling
b. Stamp Coupling
c. External Coupling
d. Content Coupling
Answer: Option (b)
If all tasks must be executed in the same timespan, __________type of cohesion is being
a. Functional Cohesion
b. Temporal Cohesion
c. Functional Cohesion
d. Sequential Cohesion
Answer: Option (b)
Which of the following is / are the type of
a. Functional
b. Coincidental
c. Communicational
d. All of the above.
Answer: Option (d)
96.What is the meaning of Functional Cohesion?
a. Operations are part of single functional task and are placed in same procedures.
b. All operations that access the same data are defined within one class.
c. All operations that access the data from outside the module.
d. None of the above.
Answer: Option (a)
Which is the worst type of coupling?
a. Control coupling
b. Data coupling
c. Content coupling
d. Stamp coupling
Answer: Option (c)
Which is the most desirable form of coupling?
a. Control coupling
b. Data coupling
c. Common coupling
d. Stamp coupling
Answer: Option (b)
Which from the following is the most desirable
form of cohesion?
a. Logical cohesion
b. Functional cohesion
c. Procedural cohesion
d. Communicational cohesion
Answer: Option (b)
Which from the following is the worst form of cohesion?
a. Functional cohesion
b. Sequential cohesion
c. Temporal cohesion
d. Coincidental cohesion
Answer: Option (a)
“Three statements are given below regarding the User Interface Design,
- Place the user in control.
- Reduce the user’s memory load.
- Make the interface consistent.
These rules are called as __.”
a. Golden Rule
b. Silver Rule
c. User Rule
d. Interface rule
Answer: Option (a)
Which of the following is golden rule for
interface design?
a. Place the user in control
b. Reduce the user’s memory load
c. Make the interface consistent
d. All of the given options
Answer: Option (d)
__________is not a design principle that allows the user to maintain control.
a. Provide for flexible interaction
b. Allow user interaction to be interrupt-able and undo-able
c. Show technical internals from the casual user
d. design for direct interaction with objects that appear on the screen
Answer: Option (c)
__________is not a user interface design
a. User, task, and environment analysis and
b. Interface design
c. Knowledgeable, frequent users
d. Interface validation
Answer: Option (c)
When users are involved in complex tasks, the demand on __________can be significant.
a. short-term memory
b. shortcuts
c. objects that appear on the screen
d. all of the mentioned
Answer: Option (a)
__________is not considered by the Interface design.
a. the design of interfaces between software components
b. the design of interfaces between the software and human producers and consumers of information
c. the design of the interface between two computers
d. all of the mentioned
Answer: Option (c)
What establishes the profile of end-users of the system?
a. design model
b. user’s model
c. mental image
d. system image
Answer: Option (b)
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Software engineering MCQ UNIT 1
Software engineering MCQ UNIT 2
Software engineering MCQ UNIT 4
Software engineering MCQ UNIT 5
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