Renewable Energy MCQ unit 4 – Here’s the list of chapters on the “Renewable Energy” subject covering 100+ topics. You can practice the Renewable Energy 1000+ MCQ questions chapter by chapter starting from the 1st chapter or you can jump to any chapter of your choice.
Renewable Energy Chapters
- Fundamentals of Energy
- Basics of Solar Energy
- Solar Thermal System
- Wind Energy
- Biomass Energy
- Geothermal Energy
- Ocean Energy
- Emerging Technologies
Wind Energy Unit 4
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on winds origin and nature, wind turbine siting, wind power applications, wind turbine aerodynamics, types and construction, wind energy conversion systems, wind speed effects, grid condition and wind energy storage.
- Origin of Winds – 1
- Origin of Winds – 2
- Nature of Winds
- Wind Turbine Siting
- Major Applications of Wind Power
- Wind Turbine Aerodynamics – 1
- Wind Turbine Aerodynamics – 2
- Wind Turbine Types and their Construction – 1
- Wind Turbine Types and their Construction – 2
- Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) – 1
- Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) – 2
- Effects of Wind Speed and Grid Condition (System Integration) – 1
- Effects of Wind Speed and Grid Condition (System Integration) – 2
- Wind Energy Storage – 1
- Wind Energy Storage – 2

Wind Energy Questions and Answers – Origin of Winds – 1
- Which of the following provides energy for winds to blow naturally?
a) Sun
b) Water
c) Man
d) Food
Answer: a
Explanation: The energy that drives winds originates from the sun’s heat received along with sunlight. The heat creates areas of low pressure and high pressure, thereby causing winds to blow. Wind is abiotic and does not need food. Any wind blowing due to man is artificial. Water aids in magnifying a low or high pressure area but does not cause winds.
- Wind flows from pressure area to _ pressure area.
a) high, high
b) high, low
c) low, high
d) low, low
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Answer: b
Explanation: Wind always flows from a high pressure area to a low pressure area. The difference in pressures causes wind to flow from in a direction. Winds originate from the heat received by sun which heat’s the earth’s surface unevenly resulting in a pressure difference.
- What is a gust?
a) No change in wind speed
b) A brief decrease in wind speed for a very long period of time
c) A brief increase in wind speed for a very short period of time
d) A brief increase in wind speed for a very long period of time
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Answer: c
Explanation: A gust or a wind gust is a brief increase in wind speed for a very short period of time, typically less than 20 seconds and has a transient characteristic unlike a squall.
- What is a squall?
a) A sudden, sharp increase in wind speed lasting for a few hours
b) A sudden, sharp decrease in wind speed lasting for a few minutes
c) A sudden, sharp decrease in wind speed lasting for a few hours
d) A sudden, sharp increase in wind speed lasting for a few minutes
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Answer: d
Explanation: A squall is a sudden, sharp increase in wind speed lasting for a few minutes. Squalls occur during rain showers, thunderstorms or heavy snow fall.
- A windstorm _
a) is strong enough to cause property damage
b) is not stronger than gust
c) does not exist
d) is not strong enough to cause property damage
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Answer: a
Explanation: A windstorm consists of winds strong enough to cause property damage like uprooting of trees and damaging erected buildings. Wind speed in a typical windstorm exceeds 55km/s and can be extremely detrimental.
- What are planetary or prevailing winds?
a) Winds not blowing from one latitude to another
b) Winds blowing from one latitude to another
c) Gusts
d) Winds that do not cover large areas of earth
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Answer: b
Explanation: Planetary winds are winds that blow from one latitude to another throughout the year due to latitudinal differences in air pressure. They cover large areas of earth.
- Which of the following are the two most important planetary winds?
a) Hosting
b) Trades and economics
c) Trade winds and westerly winds
d) Deployment
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Answer: c
Explanation: Trade winds and westerly winds are the two most important planetary or prevailing winds. Other options – trade and economics, hosting and deployment are not related to winds.
- What are trade winds?
a) Winds blowing from equatorial low pressure areas to sub-tropical high pressure areas
b) Winds that trade with each other
c) Winds blowing from equatorial high pressure areas to sub-tropical low pressure areas
d) Winds blowing from sub-tropical high pressure areas to equatorial low pressure areas
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Answer: d
Explanation: Trade winds are extremely steady winds blowing from sub-tropical high pressure areas to equatorial low pressure areas. They maintain a constant direction throughout their course.
- How does Coriolis effect trade winds in Northern Hemisphere?
a) Coriolis effect deflects trade winds to the right
b) Coriolis effect deflects trade winds to the left
c) Coriolis effect does not affect the trade winds in Northern Hemisphere
d) Coriolis effect only affects the trade winds in Southern Hemisphere
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Answer: a
Explanation: Coriolis effect and Ferrel’s law disrupt the flow of trade winds from north to south and deflect them towards right in the Northern Hemisphere. Thus, they blow in a north east direction in the Northern Hemisphere.
- How does Coriolis effect trade winds in Southern Hemisphere?
a) Coriolis effect deflects trade winds to the right
b) Coriolis effect deflects trade winds to the left
c) Coriolis effect does not affect the trade winds in Southern Hemisphere
d) Coriolis effect only affects the trade winds in Northern Hemisphere
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Answer: b
Explanation: Coriolis effect and Ferrel’s law disrupt the flow of trade winds flowing from north to south and deflect them towards left in the Southern Hemisphere. Thus, they blow in a south east direction in the Southern Hemisphere.
- Trade winds __
a) do not maintain a constant direction but blow steadily
b) maintain a constant direction but do not blow steadily
c) maintain a constant direction and blow steadily
d) shrinking technique
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Answer: c
Explanation: Trade winds are also called as tropical easterlies. They maintain the same direction and blow steadily in that direction. Shrinking technique is not related to winds.
Wind Energy Questions and Answers – Origin of Winds – 2
- What are westerly winds?
a) Winds blowing from sub-tropical high pressure areas to sub-polar low pressure areas
b) Winds that trade with each other
c) Winds blowing from equatorial high pressure areas to sub-tropical low pressure areas
d) Winds blowing from equatorial low pressure areas to sub-tropical high pressure areas
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Answer: a
Explanation: Westerly winds are winds blowing from sub-tropical high pressure areas to sub-polar low pressure areas. The direction of flow is from west to east between 30 and 60 degrees latitude.
- Westerly winds of Southern Hemisphere __
a) weaker and maintain a constant direction than its counterpart in Northern Hemisphere
b) are stronger and maintain a constant direction than its counterpart in Northern Hemisphere are
c) are stronger but do not maintain a constant direction than its counterpart in Northern Hemisphere
d) blow from equatorial low pressure areas to sub-tropical high pressure areas
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Answer: b
Explanation: Westerly winds of Southern Hemisphere are fairly stronger and maintain a constant direction as compared to its counterpart in Northern Hemisphere. They blow from sub-tropical high pressure areas to sub-polar low pressure belts.
- What are periodic winds?
a) Westerly winds
b) Winds that do not change their direction periodically with the change in season
c) Winds that change their direction periodically with the change in season
d) Trade winds
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Answer: c
Explanation: Periodic winds are winds that change their direction periodically as the season changes. Trade and westerly winds are planetary winds and are not periodic in nature.
- Which of the following are examples of periodic winds?
a) Gusts
b) Windstorm
c) Westerly winds
d) Monsoons, land and sea breeze, mountain and valley breeze
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Answer: d
Explanation: Monsoons, land and sea breeze, mountain and valley breeze are examples of periodic winds. Westerly winds are planetary winds and are not periodic in nature. Windstorm and gusts are not periodic in nature.
- A downburst is created by an area of rain-cooled air that _
a) after hitting the ground generates strong winds which spread in all directions
b) don’t hit the ground
c) after hitting the ground generates extremely weak winds which spreads in all directions
d) are short gusts
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Answer: a
Explanation: Downbursts are caused by an area of rain-cooled air that after hitting the ground level generates strong winds which spread in all directions. They are not gusts.
- What is sea breeze?
a) Winds that don’t strike the ground level
b) Winds from sea that flow during day towards the land and replace the lighter and rising hot air
c) Winds that hit the land to generate extremely weak winds which spreads in all directions
d) Short gusts originating from sea
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Answer: b
Explanation: When the coastal lands heat up, the air above it also gets hot. Hot air is light and rises up leading to a low pressure area. Sea breezes carry moisture from the sea and are much cooler. Thus, they rush towards the land to replace the hot air.
- What is land breeze?
a) Winds that hit the sea to generate extremely weak winds which spreads in all directions
b) Winds from land that flow during night towards the sea and replace the lighter and rising hot air
c) Winds from sea that flow towards the land and replace the lighter and rising hot air
d) Short gusts originating from land
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Answer: c
Explanation: During night, the inland temperatures drop to an extent such that the sea is warmer than the land thereby causing the air above it to become hot and rise. Cool air from land rush towards the sea to replace the hot air.
- Which of the following equations best explains the phenomenon of winds flowing from high pressure to low pressure?
a) Pressure = Force/Area
b) Roult’s law
c) Force = mass*acceleration
d) Ideal gas equation
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Answer: d
Explanation: From Kinetic theory of gases, it is evident that ideal gas equation – PV = nRT explains the phenomenon of gases flowing from high pressure to low pressure. Raoult’s law deals with vapour pressure. Force = mass*acceleration and Pressure = Force/Area do not explain kinetics of gases.
- How do thunderstorms form?
a) Thunderstorms originate from a pleasant breeze
b) Thunderstorms are produced by mid-level clouds
c) Thunderstorms are produced by cumulonimbus cloud which generated gusty winds and heavy rains
d) Thunderstorms originate from low-level clouds and do not carry rain with them
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Answer: c
Explanation: Thunderstorms is a type of storm with thunder and lightning and is produced by cumulonimbus clouds. These clouds generate strong gusty winds and heavy rains which accompany the thunderstorm.
- Which of the following are types of winds?
a) Planetary winds, periodic winds, local winds
b) Trade winds, westerly winds, plate tectonics
c) Apples, monsoon
d) Clouds, rains, storms
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Answer: a
Explanation: Planetary winds, periodic winds, local winds, trade winds, westerly winds, monsoons are types of winds. Plate tectonics is related to earth. Clouds, rains and storms are not the types of winds.
- What is considered as a strong breeze on a Beaufort Wind Scale?
a) 0
b) 6
c) 1
d) 4
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Answer: b
Explanation: Beaufort wind scale is an empirical scale for measuring wind speeds. On this scale, 0 corresponds to a calm breeze, 6 corresponds to a strong breeze, 1 corresponds to a light air and 4 corresponds to a moderate breeze.
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Renewable Energy MCQ UNIT -6
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