Here’s the list of chapters on the “Renewable Energy” subject covering 100+ topics. You can practice the Renewable Energy 1000+ MCQ questions chapter by chapter starting from the 1st chapter or you can jump to any chapter of your choice.
Renewable Energy Chapters
- Fundamentals of Energy
- Basics of Solar Energy
- Solar Thermal System
- Wind Energy
- Biomass Energy
- Geothermal Energy
- Ocean Energy
- Emerging Technologies

Fundamentals of Energy
The section contains Renewable Energy MCQ multiple choice questions and answers on energy resources classification, conventional energy sources advantages and disadvantages, non-conventional energy sources basics and salient features, energy environmental aspects, world energy status and also energy scenario in india.
- Classification of Energy Resources
- Importance of Non-Conventional Energy Sources
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Conventional Energy Sources
- Salient Features of Non-Conventional Energy Sources
- Environmental Aspects of Energy – 1
- Environmental Aspects of Energy – 2
Renewable Energy Questions and Answers – Classification of Energy Resources
Renewable Energy MCQ Question
- Based on usability, Energy Resources are classified into _
a) primary, secondary and tertiary resources
b) primary and secondary resources
c) primary, secondary, intermediate and tertiary resources
d) primary, intermediate and secondary resources
Answer: d
Explanation: On the basis of usability, Energy Resources are classified into Primary, Intermediate and Secondary Resources. Primary Resources are present in nature prior to human interference or modification. Intermediate Resources are obtained from primary resources after one or more stages of transformation while Secondary Resources are the form of energy that is finally supplied to the consumer for utilization in Renewable Energy MCQ
- Which of the following is not a type of primary resource?
a) Crude Oil
b) Coal
c) Hydrogen Energy
d) Sunlight
Answer: c
Explanation: Hydrogen is mainly obtained from Fossil Fuels, which are primary sources of energy. Therefore, Hydrogen energy is a secondary source of energy. Crude Oil, Coal, and Sunlight are the primary source of energy since they can be directly obtained from nature.
- The ratio of energy received from a raw energy source to energy spent to obtain the raw energy source is called as _
a) consumption ratio
b) fuel ratio
c) energy yield ratio
d) joule ratio
Answer: c
Explanation: The ratio of the energy provided by a system (like Wind Energy Conversion Systems) over its lifetime to the energy required to make it is called its energy yield ratio.
- Energy Resources which are being used for many decades are known as _
a) conventional energy sources
b) non-conventional energy sources
c) primary energy sources
d) fuel cells
Answer: a
Explanation: Conventional sources of energy are those sources that are being used traditionally for a long time i.e. coal, petroleum, firewood, etc. Non-conventional sources are relatively new in terms of utilization.
- A new renewable energy system is designed to harvest energy from wind. The total energy required to build the system is 240 kJ. The energy yield ratio of the system is 14:3. The total energy provided by the system over its lifetime is _
a) 18,000 kJ
b) 54,000 kJ
c) 1,120 kJ
d) 2,258 kJ
Answer: c
Explanation: We know that the energy yield ratio (Ey) of a system is given by
Ey = (\frac{E_s}{E_r})
Where Es = Energy supplied by the system over its lifetime
And, Er = Energy required to build the system
Therefore, Ey = (\frac{Es}{240} = \frac{14}{3})
Or, Es = 240 x (\frac{14}{3})
Or, Es = 1120 kJ.
- Which of the statements is correct about Solar Energy?
a) It is a renewable and conventional source of energy
b) It is a non-renewable and non-conventional source of energy
c) It is a renewable and non-conventional source of energy
d) It is a non-renewable source of energy
Answer: c
Explanation: Solar energy is a source of energy that has not been used traditionally and is relatively new in terms of usage. Hence it is a non-conventional source of energy. It is unlimited and inexhaustible and hence is a renewable source of energy.
- Wind and Hydrogen energy are examples of_________
a) primary sources
b) primary and secondary sources respectively
c) secondary sources
d) tertiary sources
Answer: b
Explanation: Wind energy is directly available in the environment, so it is a primary energy source while Hydrogen energy is obtained from fossil fuels and hence is a secondary energy source.
- On the basis of long-term availability, resources are classified into____
a) conventional and non-conventional resources
b) renewable and non-renewable resources
c) primary and secondary resources
d) commercial and non-commercial resources
Answer: b
Explanation: On the basis of traditional use resources are classified into conventional and non-conventional resources. On the basis of long-term availability, resources are classified into renewable and non-renewable resources. Based on the usability of energy, resources are classified into primary, intermediate and secondary resources. Based on commercial applications, resources are classified into commercial and non-commercial resources.
- Which of these Energy resources is/are widely used in industries?
a) Coal and Gasoline
b) Wood
c) Biogas
d) Crop Residue
Answer: a
Explanation: Coal and gasoline are commercial resources that are widely used in industries such as Steel, Cement, Electricity, etc. Firewood and crop residue are generally used for domestic purposes. Biogas has some industrial uses such as for electricity generation but is not used widely.
- Which of these resources does not produce CO2 during electricity generation?
a) Coal
b) Methane
c) Uranium
d) Biogas
Answer: c
Explanation: Coal, Methane, and Biogas produce CO2 during electricity generation as all of them have some carbon content, which on combustion produces CO2. Uranium produces energy by the process of nuclear fission and does not produce CO2.
- On the basis of origin, energy resources are classified into natural and artificial resources.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: Based on Origin, energy resources are classified into Fossil fuels, Nuclear, Solar, Wind, Biomass, Geothermal, Tidal, Ocean thermal, Ocean wave and Hydro energy.
- Which of these is the major contributor to world pollution?
a) Commercial resources
b) Non-Commercial Resources
c) Renewable Resources
d) Nuclear Energy
Answer: a
Explanation: Commercial resources are the major contributor to world pollution. Resources like Coal, Coke, Gasoline, etc which are used commercially produce a large chunk of total CO2 produced on earth. To combat this problem and for sustainable development, renewable sources should replace these forms of energy.
- Half of the world’s energy needs are fulfilled by renewable energy sources.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: 89 percent of the total energy produced is from non-renewable resources i.e. Coal(27%), Natural Gas(24%), Oil(34%) and Nuclear Energy(11%). Only 11% of the world’s energy needs are fulfilled by Renewable resources.
- Which of the energy resources were considered for large scale use after the oil crisis of 1973?
a) Conventional Sources
b) Non-Conventional Sources
c) Non-renewable sources
d) Primary Sources
Answer: b
Explanation: The oil crisis of 1973 caused oil prices to increase drastically. This also caused the inflation in the price of other commercial resources. Government of all the countries felt the need for alternative sources of energy and non-conventional sources like solar and wind energy were developed for large scale use.
- The unit of energy yield ratio is _
a) joule
b) watt
c) joule/Kelvin
d) dimensionless
Answer: d
Explanation: Energy yield ratio is the ratio of energy provided by a system to the energy required to make it which makes it dimensionless since it is the ratio of two quantities with the same unit.
Renewable Energy MCQ- Importance of Non-Conventional Energy Sources
- World Energy Needs are rising due to _
a) deforestation
b) increasing population and Industrialization
c) inflation
d) natural calamities
Answer: b
Explanation: The increasing world population has caused the world energy needs to rise significantly. Apart from the rapid growth of industries, the formation of new ones has increased the energy needs of the world. Due to these reasons, Conventional sources of energy are not enough, and hence we need alternative energy sources.
- Which of the following is a disadvantage of Hydro Power?
a) They cause deforestation and affect wildlife
b) They cause harmful emissions
c) They are an unstable source of energy
d) They are not suitable for long-distance electricity transmission
Answer: a
Explanation: For building Hydroelectric dams, a large area is required for which deforestation is done to clear the area which affects the local wildlife. Sometimes Dams also cause floods in Forests which damages it. Building a dam also affects the aquatic life.
- Which of the following statement is true about conventional energy sources?
a) They cause minimum pollution
b) They are available in limited quantity
c) Coal is the most used conventional energy source in the world
d) There are sufficient reserves of Coal, Petroleum and Natural gas for the next 300 years
Answer: b
Explanation: Conventional energy sources like Coal, Petroleum, Natural gas, etc, are major causes of pollution and ozone layer depletion. There are limited reserves of conventional energy sources, which are bound to be finished. At the current rate of consumption, the approximate lifetime of the world’s petroleum, natural gas, and coal reserves are 50 years, 52.8 years, and 153 years, respectively. Oil is the most used energy source in the world. At present 31 percent of the world energy needs are fulfilled by Oil.
- All of the conventional energy sources are Non-Renewable.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: Apart from Hydro Power, all other Conventional energy sources are Non-renewable. In Hydropower generation flowing water is used to generate electricity. It is considered a renewable energy source because the water cycle is constantly renewed by the sun.
- To focus on Renewable and Other alternative sources of energy, __ was established in March 1981 by the Government of India.
a) commission for additional sources of energy
b) commission for alternative sources of energy
c) council of scientific & industrial research
d) centre for science and environment
Answer: a
Explanation: Realizing the importance of Non-Conventional energy sources, in March 1981 the government of India established a Commission for Additional Sources of Energy (CASE), in the Department of Science and Technology. Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) was established in September 1942 to bring Science and Technology to India. CSE (Centre for Science and Environment) was established in 1980 and works on environment-development issues in India.
- IREDA was developed by the Government of India _
a) to implement more efficient methods for using Conventional Energy sources
b) to promote the Development of Non-Conventional Energy Sources
c) to develop Nuclear Energy in India
d) to control pollution
Answer: b
Explanation: Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd (IREDA) was established in 1987 to promote the use of Non-Conventional sources of energy. It is operated by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE).
- Apart from supplying energy, fossil fuels are used for_________
a) storing energy in solar ponds
b) drying Vegetables
c) rotating turbine in Hydro Power plants
d) manufacture of Organic Chemicals
Answer: d
Explanation: Solar pond collects thermal energy from sunlight. The salt content of the pond increases with depth. It doesn’t require any fuel for storing energy. Apart from fulfilling energy needs, fossil fuels are also used as feedstock materials for the manufacture of organic chemicals. Solar dryers are used to dry foods i.e. Fruits, Vegetables, etc. In Hydroelectric power plants, turbines are rotated by the Kinetic Energy of water.
- The only country having a full-fledged ministry for Development of New and Renewable Resources is _
a) India
b) Bangladesh
c) USA
d) China
Answer: a
Explanation: India is the only country having a full-fledged ministry devoted to Developing New and Renewable Energy Sources. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy or MNRE is a ministry of the Government of India. The ministry was established as the Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources in 1992.
- CASE was established after the Oil Crisis of 1973.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: The Energy Crisis of the 1970s i.e. Oil crisis of 1973 and Energy Crisis of 1979 caused a shortage of petroleum (and other commonly used sources) and elevation in its price. This led to the establishment of the Commission for Additional Sources of Energy (CASE) in the Department of Science & Technology (India) in March 1981. It involved the formulation of policies, their implementation, and Research and Development in the field of New and Renewable energy sources.
- Which of the following schemes was launched by MNRE?
Answer: c
Explanation: Ministry of New and Renewable Energy(MNRE) launched the Kisan Urja Suraksha evem Utthan Mahabhiyan (KUSUM) scheme for farmers for installation of solar pumps and grid-connected solar and other renewable power plants in the India. This scheme was launched with the aim to promote solar farming in India. Its launch was approved on 19 February 2019 by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs(CCEA).
Renewable Energy MCQ – Advantages and Disadvantages of Conventional Energy Sources
- Conventional Energy Sources are cheaper than Non-Conventional Sources.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: At present Conventional Energy Sources are cheaper than Non-Conventional sources. Since the Non-Conventional sources are relatively new in terms of usage, the technology for harnessing energy from these sources is not well developed. The cost/kWh of electrical energy obtained from different conventional sources are as follows:
Coal- 1.65 ₹/kWh
Diesel- 3.00 ₹/kWh
Hydropower- 1.00 ₹/kWh
Nuclear – 1.20 ₹/kWh
which is less than the cost/kWh of the non-conventional sources.
- Which of the following pollutants are emitted by the burning of fossil fuel?
a) Oxides of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulphur
b) Oxides of Carbon, Uranium, and Radium
c) Calcium Halides and Oxides of Nitrogen
d) Noble Gases
Answer: a
Explanation: Fossil fuels generate Oxides of Carbon like CO and CO2, Oxides of Nitrogen like NO and NO2, and Oxides of Sulphur like SO2 and SO3. Apart from that particulate matter and heat is also generated by fossil fuels.
- _ is a petrochemical and is used as raw material for chemical, pharmaceutical, and paint industry.
a) Plutonium
b) Uranium
c) Coal
d) Protactinium
Answer: c
Explanation: Coal is a valuable petrochemical and is used as a raw material in many industries i.e. Chemical, Pharmaceutical, and Paint industry. From a long-term perspective, it is essential to conserve coal for future needs as a raw material.
- Which of the following statements is not true about radioactive waste?
a) It has radioactivity quotient of dangerous levels.
b) The disposed radioactive waste is to be guarded for a long period
c) It has low radioactivity quotient
d) Its radioactivity decreases with time
Answer: c
Explanation: The waste generated in Nuclear power plants has radioactivity quotients of dangerous levels, it remains above the safe limit for a long time, and this is a health hazard. The radioactive waste is to be guarded for a long time until its radioactivity level comes to a safe limit.
- Which of the following is not a disadvantage of Hydro Power?
a) A large land area submerges into the water leading to deforestation
b) It causes dislocation of a large population and rehabilitation
c) It causes ecological disturbances like earthquake
d) It causes calamities like landslides
Answer: d
Explanation: To clear the land area deforestation is done and sometimes it is needed to dislocate the local people to clear areas for dams. Large dams have abilities to trigger earthquakes. The earliest Dam Induced Earthquake was observed in Algeria in 1932.
- Sweden banned _ in 1984.
a) pesticides
b) new nuclear power plants
c) biogas plants
d) mining of fossil fuels
Answer: b
Explanation: Due to various hazards associated with Nuclear Energy Sweden banned New Nuclear power plants since 1984 and has plans to dismantle the existing plants.
- Which Oxides of Nitrogen are generated by burning of fossil fuel?
a) NO and NO2
b) NO2, NO3, and N2O5
c) N2O5 and N2O3
d) NO3 and N2O5
Answer: a
Explanation: Burning of fossil fuels cause emission of Nitrogen Oxides. NO and NO2 are the major Nitrogen oxides produced by the combustion of fossil fuel. These oxides cause smog and contribute to acid rain.
- 3 percentage of the total greenhouse gas emissions are due to Hydropower plants.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: Hydropower plant doesn’t require burning of fuel so no pollutants are emitted. It converts the potential energy of falling water to kinetic energy which is converted to electricity.
- Which Uranium isotope is used in nuclear power plants?
a) U-235
b) U-234
c) U-215
d) U-218
Answer: a
Explanation: U-235 and U-238 are naturally occurring isotopes of Uranium. U-235 is ideal for Nuclear energy because it splits easily and gives off a lot of energy. U-238, on the other hand, has a longer half life and takes more time to decay. U-215 and U-218 are artificially produced isotopes of Uranium.
- Based on the following statements, choose the correct option.
Statement I: The technology for harnessing fossil fuels is well developed.
Statement II: Fossil fuels are a cheap source of energy.
a) Statement -I is true, Statement -II is true and Statement -II is the correct explanation of Statement -I
b) Statement-I is true, Statement -II is true and Statement -II is not the correct explanation of Statement-II
c) Statement -I is true and Statement -II is false
d) Statement -I is false and Statement -II is true
Answer: b
Explanation: The technology for harnessing fossil fuels is well developed because fossil fuels are being used for many decades. At present Fossil Fuels are Cheaper than non-conventional energy sources. Hence both the statements are correct but statement-II doesn’t explain statement-I.
Salient Features of Non-Conventional Energy Sources – MCQ
- __ energy sources provide energy in dilute form.
a) Non-Renewable
b) Conventional
c) Nuclear
d) Renewable
Answer: d
Explanation: Renewable Energy sources are generally unreliable and dilute. These resources are not available constantly. The efficiency of conversion of these energy sources is low, so a large land area is required to concentrate the energy.
- Non-Conventional Energy sources have a high gestation period.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: Non-conventional energy sources require lower time for setting up the power plant as compared to conventional energy sources. Solar power plants and wind power plants have gestation period of 15 months and 1.5 years respectively. On the other hand, thermal power plants have a gestation period of 5-6 years.
- Based on the following options, choose the correct option.
Statement I: Non-Conventional energy is available in nature free of cost.
Statement II: Non-Conventional energy is exhaustible in nature.
a) Statement I and Statement II are correct and Statement II is the correct explanation
of Statement I
b) Statement I and Statement II are correct and Statement II is not the correct
explanation of Statement I
c) Statement I is true and Statement II is false
d) Statement II is true and Statement I is false
Answer: c
Explanation: Most of the renewable energy sources such as wind and solar energy are available in nature free of cost. They are inexhaustible and cannot be depleted by human activity.
- The availability of Renewable energy sources is _
a) uncertain
b) constant
c) high
d) regular
Answer: a
Explanation: Renewable energy sources i.e. wind energy, solar energy, wave energy, tidal energy, etc are intermittent in nature. Most of them are non-dispatchable due to their variable nature.
- The cost of harnessing energy from Non-Conventional Energy sources is low.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: Non-conventional energy plants employ expensive equipment. This increases the cost of harnessing energy from them.
- Which of the following statements is not true about Renewable Energy?
a) They do not cause pollution
b) Their transportation is difficult
c) They cause ecological imbalance
d) They have a low gestation period
Answer: c
Explanation: Non Renewable energy sources such as fossil fuels cause emission of greenhouse gases which disturb the ecological balance. Renewable energy sources, on the other hand, do not cause ecological imbalance.
- Renewable energy-based power plants have __
a) negligible fuel cost
b) low energy availability
c) negligible production capacity
d) fuel storage tanks
Answer: a
Explanation: Renewable energy-based plants require negligible to no fuel for their operation. That’s why they cause negligible pollution.
- Renewable energy plants require ________than traditional generators.
a) more fuel
b) less maintenance
c) higher operating cost
d) more uranium
Answer: b
Explanation: Renewable energy plants require very little maintenance after installation. They require very fewer operating costs as compared to traditional fossil fuel generators. They need negligible amount of fuel for operation. They do not employ uranium.
9.Most of the Renewable energy sources are __
a) location-specific
b) universally available
c) highly efficient
d) polluting
Answer: a
Explanation: One of the major limitations of renewable sources is that they are location specific. States without rivers can’t have hydropower dams, and states with wind speed less than 23km/hr at 50 m height can’t have wind energy plants. Renewable energy sources are not universally available due to their location specificness. They have low efficiency due to their dilute nature. Most of the Renewable energy sources do not require any fuel and hence cause minimum to low pollution.
- The storage of renewable energy sources is expensive.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Due to their intermittent nature, renewable energy sources are needed to be stored. Currently, the storage systems of renewable energy are expensive.
Environmental Aspects of Energy – 1
- Which of the following has caused global warming since the past 150 years?
a) Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions
b) Ice age greenhouse gas emission
c) Emissions of sulphur
d) Emissions of aerosols
Answer: a
Explanation: Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions is accused of causing global warming especially due to the expansion of industries since the past 150 years. Sulphur and aerosol emissions cool the planet.
- Which of the following has caused global warming?
a) Burning of biomass
b) Burning of fossil fuels
c) Releasing CFCs into the atmosphere
d) Melting metals
Answer: b
Explanation: Burning fossil fuels for various industrial and domestic processes since the past 100-150 years has led to global warming. Releasing CFCs into the atmosphere damages the ozone layer.
- What is the major problem with wind energy?
a) Generates energy from wind
b) It is a renewable source of energy
c) Requires large area of land
d) Compact and does not require large area of land
Answer: c
Explanation: The major problems with wind energy is that it requires large area of land. It also poses a threat to wildlife habitat like destruction of birds. It is a renewable source of energy because it generates energy from wind.
- How does acid rain affect the environment?
a) By precipitating clean and fresh rainwater only in freshwater bodies
b) By precipitating clean and fresh rainwater in all water bodies at once
c) By consuming all polluted water and precipitate clean water from water cycle
d) By precipitating acidic rainwater
Answer: d
Explanation: Acid rain is basically rainwater which is acidic. It is caused by dissolution of harmful gases like sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide in clouds during precipitation thereby polluting the clean rainwater.
- What is the pH level of acid rain?
a) Between 3-4
b) Between 6-8
c) 7
d) Between 11-14
Answer: a
Explanation: Acid rain is acidic. Any acid has a pH value less than 7. So, the pH level of acid rain lies between 3-4. Practically, substances with pH values lying between 6-8 are considered neutral.
- Which of the following is/are directly harming the atmosphere?
a) Contamination of water bodies
b) Ozone layer depletion and emission of acidic gas
c) Global climate change and contamination of water bodies
d) Land fills and industrial emissions into water bodies
Answer: b
Explanation: Ozone layer depletion, emission of greenhouse gases and emission of acidic gas directly harm the atmosphere. Land fills and water pollution indirectly harm the atmosphere.
- Which of the following is/are major contributor(s) of acid rain?
a) Sulphur
b) Sulphur and sulphur dioxide
c) Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide
d) Nitrogen dioxide and argon
Answer: c
Explanation: Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide are major contributors of acid rain. They are released by smelters for nonferrous ores, industrial boilers and vehicles.
- Which of the following energy sources is affected when energy crops compete with food production?
a) Solar
b) Wind
c) Hydro
d) Biomass
Answer: d
Explanation: Biomass energy generation is strongly affected when energy crops compete with food production. Energy crops are specifically grown to be used as energy sources and not for food. If it competes with food crops then its production may decrease.
- What is a solar cooling technology?
a) Sun’s thermal energy is transferred to a heat transfer fluid which passes through a heat exchanger
b) Sun’s thermal energy is transferred to a heat transfer solid which passes through a heat exchanger
c) Sun’s nuclear energy is transferred to a heat transfer fluid which passes through a cold exchanger
d) Sun’s thermal energy is transferred to a heat transfer fluid which passes through a cold exchanger
Answer: a
Explanation: A solar cooling technology is a system that transfers sun’s thermal energy to a heat transfer fluid (also called as working fluid). This fluid then passed through a heat exchanger where the heat is moved from one system to another thereby achieving cooling.
- What does ozone protect the earth from?
a) Sound waves
b) Harmful UV radiation
c) Visible radiation
d) Greenhouse effect
Answer: b
Explanation: Ozone protects the earth and its creatures from the harmful UV radiations. These radiations are known to damage the eye and cause many skin diseases.
- Wind plants affect the habitat of _
a) tigers
b) whales
c) birds and bats
d) fish
Answer: c
Explanation: Win plants affect the habitat of birds and bats. They tend to obstruct the path of birds. In fact, this may even result in killing them.
- Which of the following is an example of a nuclear accident?
a) Construction of dams
b) Burning of fossil fuels
c) Nuclear fusion
d) Nuclear reactor core melt
Answer: d
Explanation: Nuclear reactor core melt is an example of a nuclear accident. Nuclear fusion is a type of nuclear reaction. Construction of dams and burning fossil fuels are not examples of nuclear accidents.
- What happens when a nuclear reactor core is damaged?
a) Significant amounts of radioactive isotopes are released
b) Significant amounts of radio-inactive isotopes are released
c) Significant amounts of nitrogen oxides are released
d) Greenhouse gases are released
Answer: a
Explanation: When a nuclear reactor core is damaged significant amounts of radioactive isotopes are released. These isotopes are extremely harmful to both, humans and environment. In fact, they may cause diseases that last for generations.
- Aerosols, CFCs and freons damage the ozone layer.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Aerosols, CFCs and Freon’s damage the ozone layer. They react with ozone molecules and reduce the amount of ozone molecules in the stratosphere. This lets harmful UV radiation into earth.
- Dams and reservoirs lead to adverse environmental and sociological impacts.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Dams and reservoirs lead to adverse environmental and sociological impacts. Construction of dams destroys aquatic habitat and affects the life in coastal areas. For instance, migratory fishes are prevented from their journey which immensely affects the population of the species.
Environmental Aspects of Energy – 2
- Which of the following is the cleanest fossil fuel?
a) Natural gas
b) Petrol
c) Petroleum
d) Coal
Answer: a
Explanation: Natural gas is often described as the cleanest fossil fuel. Petroleum is a raw form of fossil fuel found in oceans and seas. Petrol is a processed product of petroleum.
- What is IPCC?
a) A government organization that provides scientific information regarding climate change and its effects
b) An intergovernmental body of UN that provides scientific information regarding climate change and its effects
c) An intergovernmental organization that provides scientific information regarding climate change and its effects
d) A private company that sells scientific information regarding climate change
Answer: b
Explanation: IPCC stands for “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change”. It is an intergovernmental body of UN that provides scientific information regarding climate change and its effects. It is non-profit organization.
- What is the objective of the main international treaty on climate change?
a) To provide scientific information on climate change
b) To destabilise the greenhouse gas concentrations so that anthropogenic actions interfere with the climate system
c) To stabilise the greenhouse gas concentrations so that anthropogenic actions do not interfere with the climate system
d) To bring peace between all countries
Answer: c
Explanation: The objective of the main international treaty on climate is to stabilise the greenhouse gas concentrations so that anthropogenic actions do not interfere with the climate system. The treaty itself does not provide information on climate change.
- What is the aim of Paris Agreement in 2015? Note that C indicates Celsius.
a) To keep the decrease in global average temperature to below 2 degree C
b) To keep the decrease in global average temperature to above 2 degree C
c) To keep the increase in global average temperature to above 2 degree C
d) To keep the increase in global average temperature to below 2 degree C
Answer: d
Explanation: The Paris Agreement is an agreement within United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change dealing with greenhouse gas emissions. Its long term goal is to keep the decrease in global average temperature to below 2 degree C.
- Which of the following IPCC assessment reports was a critical input in Paris Agreement?
a) Fifth Assessment Report
b) First Assessment Report
c) Second Assessment Report
d) Tenth Assessment Report
Answer: a
Explanation: IPCC’s fifth Assessment Report (AR) was a critical scientific input into Paris Agreement held in 2015. The AR5 report was developed through a scoping process involving climate change experts from all relevant disciplines.
- Where is the ozone hole located?
a) Asia
b) Antarctica
c) Europe
d) America
Answer: b
Explanation: The ozone hole is located over Antarctica. It was and still is the largest observed ozone hole. It was caused due continuous emissions of CFCs and freons.
- What is main potential water pollutant from a geothermal reservoir?
a) Carbon
b) Silicon
c) Sulphur
d) Nitrogen
Answer: c
Explanation: The main water pollutant from a geothermal reservoir is sulphur. This is because underground reservoirs contain large amounts of sulphur and other minerals.
- How does a geothermal plant prevent the leakage of sulphur into environment?
a) By trapping it inside the reservoir during extraction of hot water
b) By trapping it inside the reservoir before extraction of hot water
c) By disposing it into water bodies
d) By using a closed-loop water system
Answer: d
Explanation: Most geothermal plants prevent leakage of sulphur and other minerals into the environment by using a closed-loop water system. The spent water is pumped directly back into the geothermal reservoir.
- Which of the following gases is commonly emitted into the atmosphere from an open-loop geothermal system?
a) Hydrogen sulphide
b) Hydrogen
c) Carbon
d) Silicon
Answer: a
Explanation: Hydrogen sulphide is commonly emitted into the atmosphere from an open-loop geothermal system. Carbon and silicon are not gases. Even if hydrogen is emitted it is not the most common one.
- How does hydrogen sulphide from geothermal plants contribute towards pollution?
a) By reacting with acidic gases to cleans the precipitating rainwater
b) By forming sulphur dioxide
c) By changing into one of the noble gases
d) By reacting with ozone
Answer: b
Explanation: Hydrogen sulphide reacts and changes into sulphur dioxide. Sulphur dioxide contributes to the formation of acid rain which is harmful to the environment.
- Which of the following is the largest emitter of sulphur dioxide?
a) Geothermal plants
b) Photosynthesis
c) Coal plants
d) Respiration
Answer: c
Explanation: If not the coal plants are one of the largest emitters of sulphur dioxide. Photosynthesis releases oxygen and respiration releases carbon dioxide. Though geothermal plants release hydrogen sulphide which converts into sulphur dioxide, their contribution is negligible when compared to coal plants.
- Land requirement of a geothermal plant depends on _
a) greenhouse gas emissions
b) hydrogen sulphide emissions
c) the wildlife
d) amount of power capacity
Answer: d
Explanation: Land requirement of a geothermal plant depends on the amount of power capacity. It also depends on other factors like the substation and the type of energy conversion system.
- Which of the following is one of the major problems caused by a geothermal plant to land?
a) Land subsidence
b) Land fertilisation
c) Reservoir cleansing
d) Noble gas emissions
Answer: a
Explanation: Land subsidence is one of the major problems caused by a geothermal plant to land. It is basically the sinking of land surface due to various activities in the plant and reservoir. Geothermal plants neither fertilise the land nor emit noble gases.
- Photovoltaic manufacturing requires hazardous materials.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Manufacturing of photovoltaics require hazardous materials like arsenic and cadmium. Consumption of such metals even in small amounts could be deadly for the workers in the factory.
- Life cycle assessment is a good indicator of the net environmental impact of any technology.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Life cycle assessment is a good indicator of the net environmental impact of any technology including renewable energy. This is because it studies the environmental impacts of the processes involved, materials used to manufacture the technology and the manufacturing processes of the materials.
Environment-Economy-Energy and Sustainable Development
- What is “3E”?
a) Energy, economy and environment
b) Reduce, reuse and recycle
c) Energy, economy and envision
d) Ergonomics, evolution and economy
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Answer: a
Explanation: “3E” is a nomenclature used for energy, economy and environment. It describes the interrelation between them. “3Rs” are used for reduce, reuse and recycle.
- Which of the following is the 7th goal of the eight millennium goals of United Nations?
a) To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
b) To ensure environment sustainability
c) To reduce child mortality
d) To develop a global partnership for development
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Answer: b
Explanation: The seventh goal of the eight millennium development goals of UN is to ensure environment sustainability. The first is to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. The fourth is to reduce child mortality and the eight is to develop a global partnership for development.
- Which of the following is relates the three elements of “3E”?
a) Energy from fossil fuels
b) Energy from natural gas
c) Renewable energy sources and technology
d) Economy
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Answer: c
Explanation: Renewable energy sources and their respective technologies relate the three elements of “3E”. This is because the renewable technology incorporates an environment-centered strategy thereby forcing the economy to adopt it as well.
- Which of the following ensures sustainable growth?
a) Positive economic growth, deterioration of environment with economic expansion and energy resource meeting energy demands
b) Negative economic growth, deterioration of environment with economic expansion and energy resource meeting energy demands
c) Positive economic growth, non-deterioration of environment with economic expansion and growth of energy resource not meeting energy demands
d) Positive economic growth, deterioration of environment with economic expansion and growth of energy resource meeting energy demands
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Answer: d
Explanation: It is necessary that the environment does not deteriorate with economic expansion for sustainable growth. Also, positive economic growth and growth of energy resource meeting energy demands are key elements of sustainable growth.
- Sustainable development requires that energy resource __
a) cannot be exhausted completely
b) can be complete exhausted
c) can destroy the environment
d) cannot meet the growing demand
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sustainable development requires that energy resource cannot be exhausted completely. If any one resource is at the brink of exhaustion, it has to be substituted by another or a shift to another source has to be made.
- Which of the following contributes towards growth of economic and energy?
a) Intermittent capital and human resource investment
b) Continuous capital and human resource investment
c) Decrement in capital and human resource investment
d) No capital and human resource investment
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Answer: b
Explanation: Continuous capital and human resource investment contributes towards the growth of economy and energy. Continuous investments lead to inventions and innovations which can disrupt the economy and make pervasive changes.
- Which of the following energy resources seems inexhaustible?
a) Natural gas
b) Coal
c) Sun
d) Petrol
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Answer: c
Explanation: Sun seems an inexhaustible source of energy. Coal, natural gas and petrol are fossil fuels which are already being consumed at an alarming rate.
- For sustainable development, environment damage rate _ environment recovery rate.
a) should be greater than the
b) should be exponentially greater than the
c) should be same as the
d) should be lesser than the
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Answer: d
Explanation: For sustainable development, environment damage rate should be less than environment recovery rate. If it is greater even by a small margin, the system cannot sustain itself due to positive feedback.
- Which of the following best describes the aim of sustainable consumption and production?
a) To reduce resource consumption, waste generation and emissions across the full life cycle of processes and products
b) To increase resource consumption, waste generation and emissions across the full life cycle of processes and products
c) To reduce resource consumption, increase waste generation and emissions across the full life cycle of processes and products
d) To increase resource consumption, reduce waste generation and emissions across the full life cycle of processes and products
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sustainable consumption and production aims to reduce resource consumption. It also aims to reduce waste generation and emissions across the full life cycle of processes and products.
- Which of the following best describes green economy?
a) A high carbon, resource inefficient and socially inclusive economy
b) A low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive economy
c) A low carbon, resource inefficient and socially exclusive economy
d) A high carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive economy
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Answer: b
Explanation: A green economy is a low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive economy. Without the society being consciously involved, the green economy cannot be created let alone sustain.
- What is the goal of sustainability in any process?
a) To maintain the process finitely
b) To eventually eliminate the process
c) To maintain the process indefinitely
d) To support damaging the environment
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Answer: c
Explanation: The goal of sustainability is to maintain the process indefinitely without endangering natural biotic system. Damaging the environment or anything else at the cost of maintaining the process goes against the definition.
- What are the three pillars of sustainable development?
a) Energy, economy and ergonomics
b) Environment, economy and evolution
c) Energy and evolution
d) Energy, economy and environment.
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Answer: d
Explanation: The three pillars of sustainable development are energy, economy and environment. Ergonomics is the scientific study of understanding human interactions with other elements of a system.
- What is the main problem with development of countries?
a) Strain on environment to absorb the damage and self-heal
b) Decrement in poverty
c) Higher energy consumption per capita
d) Lower energy consumption per capita
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Answer: a
Explanation: The main problem with development of countries is the strain it puts on the environment to absorb the damage. It also unarguably assumes that the environment will heat by itself without any cost. Decrement in poverty and high energy consumption per capita are the consequences of development.
- Sustainable development binds together the concern for natural systems with social and political challenges.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sustainable development binds together the concern for natural systems with social, economic and political challenges faced by humans. Ideally, the society grows without destroying the environment. It might even treat the damage that has already been done.
- Sustainability can be achieved by replacing existing resources with other resources of equal value.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sustainability can be achieved by replacing existing resources with other resources of equal value or of greater value. However, it should be noted that the replacement or operation of these new resources does not degrade the environment.
Renewable Energy Questions and Answers – World Energy Status -1
- Which of the following best describes world energy consumption?
a) Total energy produced and used by humanity
b) Total energy consumed by humanity
c) Total energy consumed by humans in the biological pyramid
d) Total energy produced by humans in the biological pyramid
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Answer: a
Explanation: World energy consumption is the total energy produced and used by humanity. It includes all energy harnessed from every source.
- Which of the following is NOT included in world energy consumption?
a) Solar energy
b) Energy from food
c) Energy from wind
d) Energy from fossil fuels
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Answer: b
Explanation: Energy from food is not included in world energy consumption. Since the energy consumption from biomass is difficult to calculate, it has not been well-documented.
- World energy consumption is measured _
a) quarterly
b) half-yearly
c) yearly
d) every decade
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Answer: c
Explanation: World energy consumption is generally measured year. It involves all energy harnessed from every possible energy source towards humanity’s endeavors.
- Which of the following energy sources is majorly used?
a) Wind energy
b) Nuclear energy
c) Hydrogen energy
d) Fossil fuels
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Answer: d
Explanation: Burning fossil fuels supplies more than 80 percent of world’s energy. It is the major cause of some of the world’s pressing problems like global warming and climate change.
- Which of the following is perceived to contribute towards world population growth?
a) Uganda
b) USA
c) UK
d) Germany
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Answer: a
Explanation: Developing countries like Uganda, Botswana, India, China, etc. are perceived to contribute towards immense growth of world population. This is because of poverty and high infant mortality rate.
- Why is there a demand for renewable sources of energy?
a) Because they emit greenhouse gases
b) Because of low or zero carbon footprint
c) Because of the decreasing global temperatures
d) Because they are more efficient
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Answer: b
Explanation: Renewable energy sources are required because they have zero or extremely low carbon footprint. Thus, greenhouse gas emissions from such sources are negligible as compared to fossil fuels.
- As the population grows, the demand for energy __
a) decreases
b) remains the same
c) increases
d) becomes volatile
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Answer: c
Explanation: As world population increases, the demand for energy increases. This is because energy demand and consumption per capita increases.
- Which of the following countries will experience a major increment in energy demand?
a) USA
b) France
c) UK
d) China
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Answer: d
Explanation: China will experience a major increment in energy demand. China is the most populated country in the world and its population is expected to increase. Moreover, China is a developing country. Though the Chinese government have taken steps to curb the growth, catering to the demands of the existing population is extremely challenging.
- Despite significant investments in renewable sector, why are fossil fuels still used?
a) Because of logistic, structural and operational issues
b) Because people do not trust the renewable sector
c) Because fossil fuels are cheap
d) Because global warming is a hoax
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Answer: a
Explanation: Despite significant investments in renewable energy sector, fossil fuels still dominate and supply 80% of world’s energy. This is mainly because of logistic, structural and operational issues. For instance, it is a financial challenge to replace the existing machinery.
- Which of the following institutions publish energy data?
b) International Energy Agency (IEA)
d) Microsoft
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Answer: b
Explanation: Institutions such as the International Energy Agency (IEA), the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) and the European Environment Agency (EEA) publish energy data. NASA and ISRO are space agencies. Microsoft is a for-profit software solution company.
- What is total primary energy supply?
a) Total energy produced and used by humanity
b) Total energy consumed by humanity
c) Sum of energy production minus storage changes
d) Sum of energy production including storage changes
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Answer: c
Explanation: Total primary energy supply (TPES) is the sum of energy production minus storage changes. TPES can be used as an estimator for energy consumption as yearly changes in energy storage are negligible.
- What is the unit of total primary energy supply?
a) Watts
b) Joules
c) Newtons
d) Watt-hours
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Answer: d
Explanation: Total primary energy supply (TPES) is measured in watt-hours (Wh). In 2013, IEA estimated that TPES was 157.5 petawatt hours. Watts is the unit of power. Joules is the unit of energy. Newtons is the unit of force.
- What was the growth in energy demand in the year 2018 as stated by IEA?
a) 2.3%
b) 1.3%
c) 1%
d) 0.5%
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Answer: a
Explanation: In 2018, the growth in energy demand was 2.3%. This was remarkable because until then the average annual growth rate was 1.3%. Emissions also increase as the demand for energy increases.
- World energy consumption is a power source metric of civilization.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: World energy consumption is a power source metric of civilization. It has deep implications for humanity in terms of policy making and political decisions.
- It estimated that the world energy consumption will grow by 50% between 2018 and 2050.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: It is estimated that the world energy consumption will grow by 50% between 2018 and 2050. Many renowned energy organizations like IEA and EIA agree with this estimate. This is to cater to the demands of growing population.
World Energy Status – 2
- Which of the following leads the energy production in low-carbon sources?
a) Photovoltaics
b) Wind energy
c) Solar thermal power systems
d) Nuclear energy
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Answer: a
Explanation: Solar energy, especially photovoltaics are becoming popular low-carbon energy sources. Photovoltaic systems are installed in both, industries and houses to meet their respective energy demands.
- Which of the following countries is least dependent on fossil fuels?
a) India
b) Iceland
c) USA
d) England
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Answer: b
Explanation: Iceland is least dependent on fossil fuels. The energy requirement of Iceland is satisfied by many other non-fossil fuel energy sources like geothermal power plants.
- Which of the following developed enjoys low electricity prices?
a) Belgium
b) Italy
c) Sweden
d) Germany
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Answer: c
Explanation: Sweden enjoys low electricity prices. It costs about 0.21 USD per KWh in Sweden. Germany is one of the most expensive places in terms electricity prices with a cost of 0.33 USD per KWh.
- According to EIA, what is the globally projected increase in transportation energy between 2018 and 2050?
a) Less than 10%
b) Between 10 and 20%
c) Greater than 100%
d) Between 30 and 50%
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Answer: d
Explanation: Transportation energy is projected to increase by 40% between 2018 and 2050. The increase is largely driven by growing energy demands in developing countries.
- Which of the following best describes the reason for projected increase in transportation energy in developing countries?
a) Energy demand per capita increases and hence the net energy required in every process increases
b) Energy demand per capita decreases and hence the net energy required in every process increases
c) Energy demand per capita decreases and hence the net energy required in every process decreases
d) Energy demand per capita increases and hence the net energy required in every process decreases
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Answer: a
Explanation: As developing countries improve their quality of living, the energy demand per capita increases. As energy demand per capita increases, the net energy required in every process increases.
- Which of the following is the most usable form of energy for future?
a) Solar
b) Electricity
c) Thermal
d) Nuclear
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Answer: b
Explanation: Electricity is the most usable form of energy for future. As automation increases, every device/machine will operate on electricity. Solar, thermal and nuclear may be raw sources of energy but they cannot be used directly for most activities.
- Which of the following sources are amongst the fastest growing energy sources?
a) Solar and wastewater
b) Wind and hydro
c) Hydro and solar
d) Wind and wastewater
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Answer: c
Explanation: Solar and hydro are amongst the fastest growing energy sources. Though wind and nuclear may be good competitors but solar and hydro energy have penetrated into the daily lives of common man.
- What is an energy policy?
a) A method to address issues of energy development
b) A free and liberal methodology towards energy development
c) A manner in which governments decide to stop energy development
d) A manner in which governments decide to address issues related to energy development
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Answer: d
Explanation: Energy policy is basically a methodology formed by an entity (usually governments) to address issues related to energy development. This includes energy production, distribution and consumption.
- What is the main aim of implementing eco-energy policies?
a) To tackle global warming and climate change
b) To reduce energy consumption
c) To manage energy production and consumption at the cost of degrading the environment
d) To prevent illegal energy production
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Answer: a
Explanation: The main aim of implementing an eco-energy-oriented policy is to tackle global warming and climate change. The idea is to manage energy production, distribution and consumption without damaging the environment.
- Renewable energy has the potential to mitigate climate change.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Renewable energy has the potential to mitigate climate change. This is because it has a low carbon footprint and is specifically used to prevent further damage to the environment.
Energy Scenario in India – 1
- In terms of total primary energy consumption, India stands _
a) third
b) second
c) first
d) fifth
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Answer: a
Explanation: In terms of total primary energy consumption, India stands third globally. United States and China are the two countries ahead of India.
- Where is the largest coal belt in India?
a) Uttar Pradesh
b) Jharkhand
c) Assam
d) Kerala
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Answer: b
Explanation: The largest coal belt in India is at Jharia located in the Dhanbad neighbourhood in the state of Jharkhand. Jharia is famous for its rich coal resources used to make coke.
- Which of the following majorly account for thermal power in India?
a) Oil
b) Solar thermo-mechanical systems
c) Coal and lignite
d) Biomass
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Answer: c
Explanation: Coal and lignite account for 67% of India’s installed capacity. The electricity sector in India had an installed capacity of over 250 GW by the end of July 2014. Solar thermo-mechanical systems are renewable systems and are not amongst the major contributors.
- When (year) was India the third largest electricity producer in the world?
a) 2019
b) 2010
c) 2017-18
d) 2014-15
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Answer: d
Explanation: India was the third largest electricity producer in the world during 2014-15. However, only 80% of the population had access to mains power.
- Which of the following is a non-commercial form of energy used for cooking in India?
a) Cow dung
b) Coal
c) Hydro
d) Electricity
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Answer: a
Explanation: Cow dung is a non-commercial form of energy used for cooking in India. It comes under the category of biomass and is burnt to generate energy for cooking. Coal, hydro and electricity are commercial forms of energy.
- What is the largest thermal power plant in India?
a) Mundra Thermal Power Station
b) Vindhyachal Thermal Power Station
c) Sasan Ultra Mega Power Plant
d) Talcher Super Thermal Power Station
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Answer: b
Explanation: Vindyachal Thermal Power Station in the Singrauli district of Madhya Pradesh is the largest power plant in India. It has an installed capacity of 4760MW. It is a coal based plant and is operated by NTPC.
- What is the second largest thermal power plant in India?
a) Tiroda Thermal Power Plant
b) Vindhyachal Thermal Power Station
c) Mundra Thermal Power Station
d) Talcher Super Thermal Power Station
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Answer: c
Explanation: Mundra Thermal Power Station located in Kutch district of Gujarat is the second largest thermal power plant in India. It has a capacity of 4260 MW. Vindhyachal Thermal Power Station is the largest one.
- Which of the following states is known oil reserves?
a) Jharkhand
b) Odisha
c) Madhya Pradesh
d) Assam
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Answer: d
Explanation: Assam, Gujarat, Nagaland and Rajasthan are known for their oil reserves. Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha are known for coal reserves.
- Which of the following states is known for gas reserves?
a) Nagaland
b) Odisha
c) Maharashtra
d) Jharkhand
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Answer: a
Explanation: Nagaland, Assam, Rajasthan, etc. are known for their gas reserves. Most states containing oil reserves also contain gas reserves. Jharkhand and Odisha are known for their coal reserves.
- _ is found in coastal Odisha, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh.
a) Uranium
b) Thorium
c) Coal
d) Gas
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Answer: b
Explanation: Thorium is found in coastal Odisha, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh. Though coal is found in Odisha and Andhra Pradesh, it is not found in Kerala. Uranium is mainly found in Jharkhand and Rajasthan.
- _ is the largest windfarm in India?
a) Vindhayachal
b) Mundra
c) Muppandal
d) Talcher
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Answer: c
Explanation: Muppandal is the largest windfarm in India. Vindhyachal, Mundra and Talcher are names of thermal power stations which operate on coal.
- Where is Muppandal Windfarm located in India?
a) Assam
b) Andhra Pradesh
c) Kerala
d) Tamil Nadu
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Answer: d
Explanation: Muppandal windfarm is located in Tamil Nadu. It has a capacity of 1500 MW and is the largest wind power plant in India.
- In 2017, India ranked _ in coal consumption.
a) second
b) third
c) First
d) Fifth
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Answer: a
Explanation: In 2107, India ranked second after China in coal consumption. Energy for more than half of the commercial sector is supplied by coal in India.
- India has 22 nuclear reactors in operation.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: India has 22 nuclear reactors in operation in 7 nuclear plants. The total installed capacity is 6780 MW.
- India is a net energy importer.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: India is a net energy importer to meet 45% of its total primary energy. India ranked third in oil consumption with 221 million tons in 2017 after USA and China.
Renewable Energy Questions and Answers – Energy Scenario in India – 2
- How is India’s oil consumption met?
a) Through imports
b) Through exports
c) Through chemical industries
d) Through distillation
Answer: a
Explanation: 79% of India’s oil consumption is met through imports. Chemical industries only help if crude oil is available. Distillation is the process of separating out contaminants from a liquid.
- What is the biggest nuclear power plant in India?
a) Vindhyachalul
b) Kudankulam
c) Mundra
d) Muppandal
Answer: b
Explanation: Kundankulam Nuclear Power Plant is the largest nuclear power plant in India. Vindhyachal and Mundra are thermal power stations. Muppandal windfarm is the largest wind power plant in India.
- Where Kundakulam Nuclear Power Plant located in India?
a) Andhra Pradesh
b) Telangana
c) Tamil Nadu
d) Gujarat
Answer: c
Explanation: Kundakulam Nuclear Power Plant is located in Kundakulam in Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu. It is the largest nuclear power plant in India with a capacity of 2000 MW.
- Which sector dominates hydroelectric power production in India?
a) Private
b) NGOs
c) Food industry
d) Public sector
Answer: d
Explanation: Public sector dominates hydroelectric power production in India. It accounts for about 92.5% percent of India’s hydroelectric power. Private sector, food industry and NGOs do not dominate hydroelectric power production in India.
- Why can’t the government exploit the hydroelectric potential of Godavari, Narmada and other rivers flowing through central India?
a) Because of opposition from tribal population
b) Because of finances
c) Because disputes between central and respective state governments
d) Because of poor land quality
Answer: a
Explanation: Government is unable to exploit the hydroelectric potential of Godavari, Narmada and other rivers flowing through central India. This is because of opposition from tribal population. They are worried that construction of dams might damage their habitat.
- Which of the following is an example of public sector hydroelectric companies?
a) Hindustan Petroleum
Answer: b
Explanation: National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC), Northeast Electric Power Company (NEEPCO) and Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam (SJVNL) are examples of public sector hydroelectric companies. Hindustan Petroleum deals with supply and trade of petrol and diesel. BHEL is a public sector company on electricals and electronics.
- Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka have __ biomass power.
a) less than 100 KW
b) about 1 MW
c) more than 1 GW
d) more than 100 GW
Answer: c
Explanation: Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka have more than 1 GW of biomass power. This power is grid interacted. These three states are leading in electricity generation from biomass.
- What is the maximum conversion efficiency of thermal power plants?
a) Between 10 and 20%
b) 5%
c) Between 20 and 40%
d) Between 40 and 50%
Answer: d
Explanation: The maximum conversion efficiency of thermal power plants is around 45-46%. In a hot country like India, by reducing the inlet air temperature through absorption chiller the maximum conversion efficiency can be attained.
- Industrial sector in India consumes __ total commercial energy produced.
a) more than half of the
b) less than 10% of the
c) less than half of the
d) the amount as the domestic sector consumes from
Answer: a
Explanation: The industrial sector in India consumes about 56% — more than half of the total commercial energy produced. This sector includes energy intensive industries like aluminum, iron, textile, pulp and paper.
- The industrial sector in India has a higher energy intensity as compared to that of developed countries.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: The industrial sector in India has a higher energy intensity as compared to that of developed countries. The energy intensity in India is about 3 times that of US and 4 times that of UK.
- Why is the energy intensity of Indian industrial sector higher than that of the developed countries?
a) Because of less number of energy intensive industries
b) Because of lower population
c) Because of large number of energy intensive industries
d) Because of large population
Answer: c
Explanation: As compared to the developed countries, Indian industrial sector has a higher energy intensity. This is because of the large number of energy intensive industries like textile, pulp and paper.
- How can energy consumption in industrial sector be reduced?
a) By not recycling
b) By using old and outdated technology
c) By wasting heat
d) By cascading and process control
Answer: d
Explanation: Energy consumption in industrial sector can be reduced by cascading, improvement in process and process control. Recycling and updating technology also contributes towards reduction in energy consumption.
- What does the energy consumption in Indian transport sector depend on?
a) Fuel price
b) Driver
c) Ergonomics
d) Fuel tank
Answer: a
Explanation: Energy consumption in Indian transportation sector depends on fuel price, vehicle efficiency, infrastructure quality, etc. It does not depend on ergonomics and the fuel tank.
- Kerosene is used for cooking and lighting lamps in rural parts of India.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Kerosene is used for cooking and lighting lamps in rural parts of India. Apart from kerosene, animal waste, firewood and other crop waste are also used for various domestic purposes.
- Air conditioning is the major electricity consumer in commercial sector.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Air conditioning, fans and lighting are the major electricity consumers in commercial sector. Sometimes, computer servers and other domestic appliances like water heaters also compete for the top spot in energy consumption.
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