Renewable Energy MCQ Basics of Solar Energy unit 2 – Here’s the list of chapters on the “Renewable Energy” subject covering 100+ topics. You can practice the Renewable Energy 1000+ MCQ questions chapter by chapter starting from the 1st chapter or you can jump to any chapter of your choice.
Renewable Energy Chapters
- Fundamentals of Energy
- Basics of Solar Energy
- Solar Thermal System
- Wind Energy
- Biomass Energy
- Geothermal Energy
- Ocean Energy
- Emerging Technologies

Basics of Solar Energy
The section contains questions and answers on sun and earth radiation spectrums, extraterrestrial and terrestrial radiations, solar radiation depletion and measurements, solar time, solar radiation geometry, solar day length, empirical equations, diffuse and beam radiations on horizontal surface.
- Sun, Earth Radiation Spectrums – 1
- Sun, Earth Radiation Spectrums – 2
- Extraterrestrial and Terrestrial Radiations
- Depletion of Solar Radiation
- Measurements of Solar Radiation – 1
- Measurements of Solar Radiation – 2
- Solar Time (Local Apparent Time)
- Solar Radiation Geometry – 1
- Solar Radiation Geometry – 2
- Solar Day Length
- Empirical Equations for Estimating Solar Radiation Availability on Horizontal Surface for Cloudy Skies
- Hourly Global, Diffuse and Beam Radiations on Horizontal Surface Under Cloudless Skies
Solar Energy Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Sun, Earth Radiation Spectrums – 1”.
- What is solar radiation?
a) Energy radiated from the sun in all directions
b) Energy radiated from earth in all directions
c) Radiation travelling in space
d) Energy radiated from sun that travels in ether
Answer: a
Explanation: Solar radiation is the energy radiated from sun in all directions. Energy radiated from earth is not solar radiation. Any random radiation traveling in space is called cosmic rays.
- What are three relevant bands of solar radiation?
a) UV, infrared and far infrared
b) UV, visible and infrared
c) Ultrasonic, infrared and visible
d) UV, ultrasonic and near infrared
Answer: b
Explanation: The three relevant bands of solar radiation are ultraviolet (UV), infrared and visible bands. Far infrared and near infrared are components of infrared. Ultrasonic is related to sound waves.
- Which two bands of solar radiation are majority in the total solar radiation reaching earth?
a) UV and visible
b) Visible and ultrasonic
c) Visible and infrared
d) Infrared and UV
Answer: c
Explanation: Infrared and UV are the major components of the total solar radiation reaching earth. Infrared radiation makes up 49.4% and visible light makes up 42.3%. Only 8% of the total radiation is in the UV band.
- Which of the following affects the amount of solar radiation received by a location or water body?
a) Shape of the water body
b) Time at night
c) Rotational speed of earth
d) Altitude and latitude
Answer: d
Explanation: A variety of factors affect the amount of solar radiation received by a location or water body. Some of them are altitude and latitude of the location, cloud cover over the location and the time of day. No solar radiation is received at night. Rotational speed of earth is constant and doesn’t affect the amount of solar radiation received.
- What is direct solar radiation?
a) Solar radiation directly received by earth’s surface from sun
b) Cosmic radiation directly received by earth’s surface
c) Solar radiation received by earth’s surface after reflection
d) Cosmic radiation received by earth’s surface after reflection
Answer: a
Explanation: Direct solar radiation is solar radiation directly received by earth’s surface from sun. It is called direct because no scattering or reflection occurs. Cosmic radiation is not same solar radiation.
- What is indirect solar radiation?
a) Solar radiation directly received by earth’s surface from sun
b) Solar radiation received by earth’s surface after scattering
c) Cosmic radiation directly received by earth’s surface
d) Cosmic radiation received by earth’s surface after reflection
Answer: b
Explanation: Indirect solar radiation is solar radiation received by earth’s surface after scattering or reflection. It is called indirect because the incident radiation is not directly received by earth’s surface. Every cosmic radiation need be radiation from sun.
- What type of radiation does earth emit?
a) UV
b) Visible
c) Infrared
d) Longitudinal
Answer: c
Explanation: Earth emits infrared radiation. This is typically called as outgoing long-wave radiation (OLR) of wavelength between 3 and 100um. They are also called as thermal radiation.
- What is the electromagnetic spectrum?
a) Radiation spectrum consisting only of UV and visible rays
b) All rays falling in the category of infrared and UV rays
c) All rays falling in the category of gamma and x-rays
d) Radiation spectrum encompassing all types of radiation
Answer: d
Explanation: As the name suggests, electromagnetic spectrum is a term used to define all types of existing radiation. It ranges from gamma rays to radio waves. Solar radiation received by earth is just a small part of the spectrum.
- Which of the following type of UV radiation inhibits photosynthetic reaction in phytoplankton?
a) UV-A
b) UV-C
c) Infrared
d) Gamma rays
Answer: a
Explanation: UV-A and UV-B radiation inhibit photosynthetic reaction in phytoplankton. Infrared and gamma rays are not the types of UV radiation.
- Which of the following is responsible for thermal energy?
a) UV
b) Infrared
c) Gamma
d) UV-A
Answer: b
Explanation: Infrared radiation is responsible for thermal and heat energy. They lie on the opposite side of the spectrum from ultraviolet light. This radiation has a wavelength greater than 700nm.
- How do infrared radiation cause heat?
a) By exciting neutrons of the substance that absorb them
b) By de-exciting electrons of the substance that absorb them
c) By exciting electrons of the substance that absorb them
d) By exciting protons of the substance that absorb them
Answer: c
Explanation: Infrared radiation cause heat by exciting electrons. When they are absorbed by substances, they interact and excite electrons by transferring energy. This leads to heat as the atom (or electron) is said to be in excited state.
- Why are surfaces of water bodies warmer than the depths?
a) Because water does not absorb UV radiation
b) Because water does not absorb thermal radiation
c) Because water absorbs visible radiation
d) Because water absorbs thermal radiation
Answer: d
Explanation: Surfaces of water bodies are warmer than the depths. This is because most of the infrared radiation is absorbed in the first meter of the water’s surface. Hence, they don’t make it to the depths.
- What is photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)?
a) Radiation best suited for photosynthesis
b) All radiation in which photosynthesis occurs
c) Radiation in which photosynthesis does not occur
d) Radiation which deactivates the ongoing photosynthesis
Answer: a
Explanation: Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) is the radiation best suited for photosynthesis. It is basically wavelength range in which photosynthesis occurs with ease. This range is between 400nm and 700nm – visible range.
- UV-A, UV-B and UV-C are three wavelength ranges of ultraviolet radiation.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: UV-A, UV-B and UV-C are three wavelength ranges of ultraviolet radiation. These wavelengths can directly affect the DNA of water inhabitants as well as harmful photochemicals.
- Energy of the wavelength increases with frequency and decreases with the size of wavelength.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Energy of the wavelength increases with frequency and decreases with the size of wavelength. The more energy a wavelength has, the easier it is to disrupt the molecule that absorbs it.
Sun, Earth Radiation Spectrums – 2
- Which of the following is used to measure the flux of outgoing long-wave radiation?
a) Watt/square meter
b) Watt
c) Joules
d) Watt/cubic meter
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Answer: a
Explanation: The flux of energy transported by outgoing long-wave radiation is measured in watt/square meter. While Watt is used to measure power, Joule is used to measure energy.
- Which of the following process is involved in long-wave radiation?
a) Adsorption
b) Scattering
c) Evaporation
d) Condensation
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Answer: b
Explanation: In earth’s climate system, the processes involved in long-wave radiation are absorption, scattering and emissions. The emissions are from atmospheric gases, aerosols, clouds and the surface. Condensation is the process of gas converting to liquid due to decrease in temperature.
- How does earth lose its excess solar radiation?
a) By storing the radiation in its core
b) By using the radiation to generate more magma
c) By radiative cooling
d) By conductive cooling
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Answer: c
Explanation: Earth loses its excess solar radiation by radiative cooling. The outgoing long-wave radiation takes the excess energy from earth back into the space.
- How do all the living organisms on receive energy?
a) From wind
b) From fossil fuels
c) From earth’s heat
d) From sun
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Answer: d
Explanation: Sun is the source of energy for all living organisms on earth. It provides energy for photosynthesis which triggers the biological food cycle and food web. Thus, the energy is transferred between organisms as described in the biological energy pyramid.
- What is earth’s energy budget?
a) Balance between received energy and emitted energy after the distribution of energy throughout the five components of earth’s climate system
b) Balance between received energy and emitted energy before the distribution of energy throughout the five components of earth’s climate system
c) Balance between received energy and emitted energy
d) Balance between received energy and emitted energy without the distribution of energy throughout the five components of earth’s climate system
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Answer: a
Explanation: Earth’s energy budget is the balance between received energy and emitted energy after the distribution of energy throughout the five components of earth’s climate system. It is important to note the outgoing energy is the energy after distribution.
- What happens to earth when incoming energy is greater than the outgoing energy?
a) Earth’s temperature decreases
b) Earth’s temperature increases
c) Earth’s temperature is not affected
d) Water level rises
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Answer: b
Explanation: When the incoming energy is greater than the outgoing energy, the earth’s temperature rises. This results in global heating and the entire planet feels the “heat”.
- What happens to earth when incoming energy is less than the outgoing energy?
a) Earth’s temperature is not affected
b) Earth’s temperature increases
c) Earth’s temperature decreases
d) Entire planet freezes
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Answer: c
Explanation: When the incoming energy is lesser than the outgoing energy, the earth’s temperature decreases. This results in global cooling. If the difference is large and average global temperature decreases even by 1 degree Celsius, the entire planet may be covered with snow.
- What is solar irradiance?
a) Solar radiation received by earth
b) Solar radiation directly received by earth’s surface
c) Solar radiation received by earth’s surface after scattering
d) Intensity with which the solar radiation enters the earth’s atmosphere
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Answer: d
Explanation: Solar irradiance is the intensity with which the solar radiation enters the earth’s atmosphere. Solar radiation directly received by earth’s surface is called direct solar radiation. Solar radiation received by earth’s surface after scattering is called indirect solar radiation.
- During night, the net-all-wave radiation is dominated by _
a) long-wave radiation
b) short-wave radiation
c) visible range
d) gamma rays
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Answer: a
Explanation: During night, the net-all-wave radiation is dominated by long-wave radiation. The long-wave radiation dominates the net all-wave radiation in polar regions as well. It is important to note that net-all-wave radiation is for a surface.
- Why is the earth’s temperature nearly stable?
a) Because the outgoing radiation dominates the incoming solar radiation
b) Because the incoming short-wave solar radiation nearly equals the outgoing long-wave radiation
c) Because the incoming long-wave solar radiation dominates the outgoing short-wave radiation
d) Because the incoming long-wave solar radiation dominates the outgoing long-wave radiation
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Answer: b
Explanation: Earth’s temperature is nearly stable. This is because the incoming short-wave solar radiation nearly equals the outgoing long-wave radiation. Any variation in the global average temperature is detrimental to the planet.
- Which of the following best describes intensity?
a) Energy supplied to a bulb
b) Power supplied to a bulb
c) Brightness of glowing bulb
d) Energy the bulb radiates as heat
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Answer: c
Explanation: Intensity is best described by the brightness of a glowing bulb. Energy the bulb radiates as heat is the power that is wasted by the bulb during its operation.
- Solar irradiance is measured in __
a) watts
b) meters/sec
c) newtons
d) watts/square meter
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Answer: d
Explanation: Solar irradiance is measured in watts/square meter. It is the amount of radiant flux on an area and hence those units. Speed and velocity are measured in meters/s.
- Which of the following influences solar irradiance?
a) Scattering elements like clouds
b) Shape of the location receiving the radiation
c) Type of the radiation
d) Type of the receiving surface
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Answer: a
Explanation: Solar irradiance received by a location or water body depends on the elevation above sea level, angle of sun and scattering elements like clouds. It does not depend on the type of radiation and type of receiving surface.
- Ozone absorbs UV light and hence affects solar irradiance.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Ozone absorbs UV light and hence affects solar irradiance. The lower the angle of the sun, the larger the amount of ozone the light has to pass through.
- The distance that the solar radiation has to travel will be lowest when the sun is directly overhead.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The distance that the solar radiation has to travel will be lowest when the sun is directly overhead. The angle of sun is dependent on latitude, time of year and the time of day.
Extraterrestrial and Terrestrial Radiations
- What is extraterrestrial radiation?
a) Intensity of sun at the top of earth’s atmosphere
b) Intensity of sun at the top of its atmosphere
c) Energy of sun at the top of earth’s atmosphere
d) Force of sun on earth
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Answer: a
Explanation: Extraterrestrial radiation is the intensity of sun at the top of earth’s atmosphere. The radiation carries energy from sun to the earth. Sun majorly exerts a gravitational force on other celestial bodies of the solar system including earth.
- Which of the following is used to measure extraterrestrial radiation?
a) Pressure
b) Watts/square meter
c) Joules/square meter
d) Torque
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Answer: b
Explanation: Since extraterrestrial radiation is also a radiation, it is measured in Watts/square meter. This unit is used to measure flux or intensity which is essentially energy radiated per unit time per unit area.
- Extraterrestrial radiation received by earth __ throughout the year.
a) is constant
b) monotonically decreases
c) varies
d) monotonically increases
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Answer: c
Explanation: Extraterrestrial radiation received by earth varies throughout the year. It is neither a constant function nor a monotonically increasing or decreasing function of earth’s distance from the sun.
- Why does the extraterrestrial radiation received by earth vary throughout the year?
a) Because earth’s orbit is circular
b) Because of radiation losses when travelling through ether
c) Because of radiation losses when travelling through vacuum
d) Because earth’s orbit is elliptic
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Answer: d
Explanation: The extraterrestrial radiation received by earth varies throughout the year. This is primarily because of the earth’s elliptical orbit. This results in varying earth-sun distances throughout the year.
- What is the average extraterrestrial irradiance received by earth (solar constant)?
a) 1361 Watts/square meter
b) 1361 Watts
c) 1250 Watts/square meter
d) 1250 Joules
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Answer: a
Explanation: The average extraterrestrial irradiance received by earth (solar constant) is approximately 1361 Watts/square meter. It varies by + 3% throughout the year. Note that irradiance is always measured in Watts/square meter.
- What is all-wave radiation?
a) Sum of shortwave and long-wave-up-dwelling radiation minus sum of shortwave and long-wave-down-dwelling radiation
b) Sum of shortwave and long-wave-down-dwelling radiation minus sum of shortwave and long-wave-up-dwelling radiation
c) Difference of shortwave and long-wave-up-dwelling radiation plus difference of shortwave and long-wave-down-dwelling radiation
d) Difference of shortwave and long-wave-down-dwelling radiation plus difference of shortwave and long-wave-up-dwelling radiation
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Answer: b
Explanation: All-wave radiation is the sum of shortwave and long-wave-down-dwelling radiation minus sum of shortwave and long-wave-up-dwelling radiation. As the name suggests, it is the net radiation received where net is calculated by difference between net incoming and net outgoing radiation.
- Which of the following blocks the outgoing long-wave radiation?
a) Earth
b) Seas
c) Clouds
d) Airplanes
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Answer: c
Explanation: Clouds tend to block the outgoing long-wave radiation. This results in lower flux of long-wave radiation being emitted into the atmosphere. Earth emits the long-wave radiation. Even if airplanes block or reflect the outgoing long-wave radiation, the amount is negligible.
- How do clouds block the outgoing long-wave radiation (OLR)?
a) By emission
b) By adsorption and scattering
c) By absorption and adsorption
d) By scattering and absorption
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Answer: d
Explanation: Clouds block the outgoing long-wave radiation by scattering and absorption. They absorb the incident OLR and scatter them thereby resulting in reflection of the radiation back to earth.
- What is albedo?
a) Measure of diffused reflection of solar radiation out of the total amount received by astronomical body
b) Measure of absorption of solar radiation out of the total amount received by astronomical body
c) Measure of diffused reflection of solar radiation out of the total amount received
d) Measure of absorbed of solar radiation out of the total amount received by
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Answer: a
Explanation: Albedo is the measure of diffused reflection of solar radiation out of the total amount of solar radiation received by an astronomical body. Due to reflection, the amount of outgoing long-wave radiation from earth is affected.
- Higher the cloud albedo __
a) less is the amount of solar radiation reflected back to earth
b) more is the amount of solar radiation reflected back to earth
c) less is the amount of solar radiation received from sun
d) more is the amount of solar radiation received from sun
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Answer: b
Explanation: Higher the cloud albedo, more is the amount of solar radiation reflected back to earth. Cloud albedo is a measure of the amount of outgoing solar radiation reflected back to earth. It has nothing to do with the incoming solar radiation received from sun.
- Which of the following gases absorb outgoing long-wave radiation?
a) Carbon
b) Natural gas
c) Water vapour
d) Argon
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Answer: c
Explanation: Water vapour, carbon dioxide and ozone absorb the outgoing long-wave radiation. Carbon is not a gas. Natural gas and Argon do not absorb the outgoing long-wave radiation.
- Greenhouse gases __ outgoing long-wave radiation.
a) emit
b) transmit
c) are conducive for
d) hinder
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Answer: d
Explanation: Greenhouse gases hinder outgoing long-wave radiation. They absorb some wavelengths thereby preventing thermal radiation from reaching space and adding heat back to the atmosphere (and earth).
- If not all, most of the outgoing long-wave radiation is emitted to space __
a) in the absence of greenhouse gases and cloud cover
b) in the presence of greenhouse gases but absence of cloud cover
c) in the absence of greenhouse gases but presence of cloud cover
d) in the presence of greenhouse gases and cloud cover
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Answer: a
Explanation: If not all, most of the outgoing long-wave radiation (OLR) is emitted to space in the absence of greenhouse gases and cloud cover. Absence of both, prevents absorption and reflection of OLR back to earth.
- Presence of greenhouse gases leads to global warming.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Presence of greenhouse gases leads to global warming. This is because they absorb some wavelengths of the outgoing long-wave radiation and re-emit them back into the earth. This increases the net amount of heat in the planet.
- Outgoing long-wave radiation depends on the temperature of radiating body.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Outgoing long-wave radiation depends on the temperature of radiating body. It is also affected by earth’s skin temperature, cloud cover and water vapour profile.
Depletion of Solar Radiation
- What would happen if the sun’s radiation reaches the earth’s surface without depletion?
a) Life would cease to exist
b) Life would be more vibrant
c) The earth’s average global temperature would become stable
d) The average global temperature of earth would decrease
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Answer: a
Explanation: If sun’s radiation reaches the earth’s surface without depletion, the average global temperature would increase to a point that life would cease to exist. Earth would become too hot to sustain any life form.
- Which of the following plays a role in depletion of incoming solar radiation?
a) Irradiance of the incoming solar radiation
b) Dispersion
c) Solar flares
d) Nuclear fusion in sun
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Answer: b
Explanation: Dispersion, scattering and absorption deplete the incoming solar radiation to an extent that biological and non-biological operations supporting life forms are not hindered. Nuclear fusion is the source of sun’s energy. Solar flares and irradiance of incoming solar radiation do deplete the solar radiation.
- What is the inclination of earth’s axis in degrees?
a) 37
b) 53
c) 23.5
d) 10
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Answer: c
Explanation: Earth’s axis is inclined at angle of 23.5 degrees. This inclination is with respect to the plane of earth’s orbit around the sun. After a cycle of about 40000 years, the tilt of the axis varies between 22.1 and 24.5 degrees.
- How does the inclination of earth’s axis affect the incoming solar radiation?
a) All the solar radiation is concentrated around the equator
b) The radiation is distributed along the entire equator
c) All radiation is concentrated at the poles
d) Solar radiation is non-uniformly distributed throughout the earth’s surface
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Answer: d
Explanation: The inclination of earth’s axis results in non-uniform distribution of incoming solar radiation throughout the earth’s surface. The radiation is received at varying angles of incidence depending on earth’s position.
- What happens to those sun rays which are not perpendicular to earth’s surface?
a) Energy of the solar radiation is spread over a greater area
b) Energy of the solar radiation is concentrated on a single spot at the poles
c) Energy of the solar radiation is uniformly distributed along the Tropic of Cancer
d) Energy of the solar radiation depends on the position of prime meridian
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Answer: a
Explanation: The sun rays which are not perpendicular to earth’s surface are spread over or dispersed a greater area. The energy of solar radiation is not dependent on the position of prime meridian and is never uniformly distributed due to inclination of earth’s axis.
- When solar radiation is dispersed over a greater area, what happens to the net temperature?
a) The net temperature increases
b) The net temperature decreases
c) The net temperature is not affected
d) The net temperature monotonically increases forever
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Answer: b
Explanation: When solar radiation is dispersed over a greater area, the net temperature is lower. This is because the amount of energy at any given point within the area decreases due to the spread.
- Which of the following latitudes is significantly affected due to dispersion of insolation with seasons?
a) All latitudes are equally affected
b) Temperate zones are significantly affected
c) Polar areas
d) Tropical areas are significantly affected
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Answer: c
Explanation: Dispersion of solar insolation with seasons affects all latitudes. However, the latitudes of polar regions are significantly affected. For instance, melting of ice caps due to large amounts of solar radiation concentrated at the poles.
- What is scattering?
a) Spreading of solar radiation over large areas
b) Absorption of solar radiation by gaseous molecules
c) Absorption of outgoing long-wave radiation and re-emitting it back to the earth
d) Deflection of some wavelengths in all directions when passed through air
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Answer: d
Explanation: Scattering is basically deflection of some wavelengths in all directions when passed through air, water droplets or small suspended dust particles in the atmosphere. Absorption of outgoing long-wave radiation and re-emitting it back to the earth traps the heat within earth. This is not related to scattering.
- When the solar radiation is scatted by suspended particles in air, they act __ and produce different colours.
a) like a prism
b) like a rock
c) like a mirror
d) like a solar concentrator
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Answer: a
Explanation: When the solar radiation is scattered by suspended particles in air, they act like a prism and produce different colours. This action was shown by Newton in his prism experiment. A glass prism disperses the incident white light into its seven components. Note that a prism disperses white light and does not scatter it.
- Red sun during sunrise and sunset is an example of __
a) diffraction
b) scattering
c) interference
d) absorption
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Answer: b
Explanation: Red sun during sunrise and sunset is an example of scattering. In fact, the blue colour of sky is also an example of scattering. Interference occurs when one type of radiation interacts with another.
- What is reflection?
a) Bouncing back some portion of the incident radiation into another medium
b) Slowing down of light on entering another medium
c) Bouncing back some portion of the incident radiation into the same medium from which it came
d) Absorption by particles and re-emission of radiation of different frequencies
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Answer: c
Explanation: Reflection is the process of bouncing back some portion of the incident radiation into the same medium from which it came. Since an ideal absorber does not exist, all substances reflect some amount of incident radiation.
- Which among the following is the best reflector?
a) Rock
b) Aluminum
c) Iron
d) Snow
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Answer: d
Explanation: Among the above options, snow is the best reflector. Snow reflects over 80% of the incident radiation (light). However, the ability to reflect depends on how dirty or clean the snow is.
- Which of the following types of clouds has the highest albedo?
a) Stratocumulus
b) Altocumulus
c) Cirrus
d) Cirrocumulus
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Answer: a
Explanation: Thich clouds such as stratocumulus reflect a large amount of incoming solar radiation. Hence, they have a high albedo. Thin clouds like cirrus tend to transmit most solar radiation and hence have low albedo.
- Earth reflects about 36% of the incoming radiation.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Earth reflects about 36-43% of the incoming solar radiation. The percent of reflectivity of all wavelengths on a surface is known as its albedo. So, earth has an albedo between 36-43%.
- About quarter of the incoming solar radiation is scattered.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: About quarter of the incoming solar radiation is scattered or diffused. This significantly spreads the energy over greater areas and reduces effects on a single location.
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Renewable Energy MCQ UNIT -1
Renewable Energy MCQ UNIT -3
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Renewable Energy MCQ UNIT -5
Renewable Energy MCQ UNIT -6
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