Interview Tips – Interview Questions and Answer | Tips and tricks |job interview .
Today we are going to tell you about 10 such common basic Interview questions asked in the interview and their possible answers. With these questions and answers, you can not only crack the interview but can also get the job you want. So let’s know about the complicated questions asked in the interview and their answers. job interview question.
These 10 confusing questions are asked in the interview | job interview |hr interview question

Interview Questions
Question 1 – Tell me something about yourself?
- Hello, My name is deep.
- I am from Lucknow.
- I am born in Mumbai.
- I studied social marketing, SEO.
- I have 1 years of experience in marketing.
- In my spare time, I love blogging, watch movies & also do cycling as it helps me in staying fit.
- Kindly introduce yourself?
- Run me through CV?
- CV – Curriculum Vitae (Bio-data)
Question-2, how do you consider yourself perfect for this job?
What the employer wants to know behind the question- Through this question, the interviewer wants to know whether the quality you want for this job is in you or not.
Possible answers – When answering this question, talk about your abilities with ease. Also talk about your skills for that job. Do not show aggression while answering this question, nor present your claim for that job, but talk about your skills with ease.
Question-3: Tell us about your biggest weakness?
- I am short tempered.
- I am very impatient.
- I am not that good with MS Excel.
- I am a good learner so I tend to perhaps spend a little too much time in completing my work & then checking it.
What the employer wants to know behind the question- Through this question, the employer tests your confidence in job interview.
And You can give this Possible answer- Nothing in the world is perfect. Every human must have some shortcomings, so do not hide your shortcomings, but tell the person in front. Like you can tell that you are more concerned about your work and people or you work slowly so that mistakes do not happen. Maintain positive when talking about your shortcomings.
Question-4: What is your strongest side?
What the employer wants to know behind the question- Through this question, the employer wants to know about your ability to work.
Possible answer – Well, most people give the same rote answer to the question that they are hardworking and positive etc. But you have to answer a little differently here, you can talk about your working abilities, problem solving skills, decision making ability, professional experience and leadership skills.I have strong communication skills.
Question-5: What gives you satisfaction in your professional life?
What the employer wants to know behind the question- The employer behind this question wants to know your goals.
Possible answer- While answering this question, most candidates are confused. So while answering this question you have to be full of confidence and give your answer accurately. You can tell what you think about this job for the future.
Question-6: Why do you want to leave the previous job?
What the employer wants to know behind the question- From this question, the employer wants to know whether you have any problem from your previous institution. Apart from this, it is also tried to know what your thinking and nature is about others.
Possible answer – While answering this question you must have a solid reason to leave the old company. While answering this question, you should never talk about the shortcomings or evils of your previous institution.
Question -7- Why should we hire you?
- My skills-set seems to be a perfect match for what you need and what you are looking for.
- I enjoy working with people.
Question-8: What will you do if you are selected tell me?
What the employer wants to know behind the question – This question is directly meant that the employer wants to ask you how you are beneficial for us or this company interview questions.
Possible answer– While answering this question, you should tell What will you do if you are selected tell me . about your research done about the company, which will make them think about your views and inclination about the company. Apart from this, also tell us what you can contribute to the company.
Question-9- In 5 years Where do you see yourself?
In my long term goals, I want to involve growing, Improving with your company, where I can continue to learn & would like to take on additional responsibilities.
Question-10: Reason for making a career in this field?
What the employer wants to know behind the question- Through this question, the employer wants to know how honest and Sirius you are for your career goals.
Possible answers – Do not show any haste in answering this question, but rather answer truthfully and honestly as to why you should enter this profession.
Question-11: Apart from this company, which companies are you interviewing?
What the employer wants to know behind the question- The employer behind this question tries to know how interested you are for this company and this post.
Possible answer – In response to this question, you do not tell at all that you are giving interviews for the same post in many companies. This will make the employer feel that you are not interested in this company and position. In response to this, you can say that you have currently applied to this company.
Question-12- What are your salary expectations?
With my experience, Knowledge I would like to obtained something in the range of Rs. 15000-20000.
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