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Adobe Photoshop is a software application for image editing and photo retouching for use on Windows or MacOS computers. Photoshop offers users the ability to create, enhance, or otherwise edit images, artwork, and illustrations. Changing backgrounds, simulating a real-life painting, or creating an alternative view of the universe are all possible with Adobe Photoshop.
It is the most widely used software tool for photo editing, image manipulation, and retouching for numerous image and video file formats. The tools within Photoshop make it possible to edit both individual images as well as large batches of photos. There are several versions of Photoshop, including Photoshop CC,
Photoshop Elements, and Photoshop Lightroom. Adobe Photoshop is available on its own as a subscription that includes Photoshop Lightroom, and as part of the larger Creative Cloud subscription.
How is Photoshop Used?
Adobe Photoshop is a critical tool for designers, web developers, graphic artists, photographers, and creative professionals. It is widely used for image editing, retouching, creating image compositions, website mockups, and adding affects.
Digital or scanned images can be edited for use online or in-print. Website layouts can be created within Photoshop; their designs can be finalized before developers move on to the coding stage. Stand-alone graphics can be created and exported for use within other programs.
What is Photoshop CC?
1.Adobe Photoshop CC is the Creative Cloud version of Photoshop, available by subscription. It is considered to be the professional-level version of the Photoshop family of products. Photoshop CC is available together with Photoshop Light room, or as part of a larger Creative Cloud subscription. Photoshop CC is an advanced imaging software used by designers, web professionals, video editors, and photographers to alter or manipulate digital images.
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Photoshop is primarily used to edit 2D images, although it does offer some 3D image editing functionality. Photoshop includes image analysis functionality, and can be used to prepare images for use online or in-print.