20+ Python Project Ideas for Beginners & Intermediate Python Developers – Python is presently one of the top programming languages that is being popular among developers and entrepreneurs. It seems like this development is going to begin in 2021 and beyond. So, if you’re a Python novice, the next thing you can do is focus on those Python concept concepts in real-time.
Learning Python can be difficult but it is easy when you start learning by building Python projects. That way you’re learning by actually doing what you want to do!. Project-based learning is the most important thing to improve your knowledge. If you are planning to head start your career in Python, here is the list of interesting project ideas using Python that can help to build your portfolio as a beginner.

Are you planning to head start your career in Python?
We have shortlisted the top 20 Python project ideas that can help to build your portfolio as a beginner. These project ideas will hopefully bring back your interest in this amazing language.
The best part is that you can enhance your Python programming skills with these fun but challenging projects. Let’s have a look at them one-by-one
Tic-Tac-Toe – Python Game Development
It is a classic game which is simple, fun and a two players game. The goal is to create an uninterrupted horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line of either three Xs or Os on a 3×3 grid, and whoever does it first is the winner of the game. A project like this can use Python’s pygame library, which comes with all the required graphics and the audio to get you started.
Dice Simulator
It should be imitating that a random number is created every time the dice programme is running, and users can do it endlessly for as long as they want. The dice produces a random number between 1 and 6 and the number will be shown to the customer. It even asks users if they want to roll the dice again. The software could also provide a feature that will randomly catch and print a number within 1 to 6. This beginner-level python projects can help create a solid base.
Virtual Assistant
Almost every smartphone nowadays comes with its own variant of a smart assistant that takes commands from you. It can recognize voice or text to manage calls, notes, book a cab, and much more. Some of the most popular virtual assistants are Google Assistant, Alexa, Cortana, and Siri.
The goal is to record the audio, convert the audio to text, process the command, and make the program act according to the command. You can use packages such as pyaudio, SpeechRecognition, gTTS, and Wikipedia to build such virtual assistants.
Reddit Bot
This is one of the best python project suggestions for beginners. Reddit is a handy site, and so many users like to be online as soon as they can. You can configure a bot to track subreddits and reports if they discover anything useful. It can save Redditors a lot of time and have valuable information.
Simple Web Application using Django
A web application development project using Django helps you understand the basic architecture of the application. The goal of this project is to build a fully functional blog and a portfolio of your work that demonstrates your coding skills. Some of the web development libraries of Django helps you get all the features you need for the blog template as well as the gallery style template for the portfolio.
Alarm Clock
This is one of the most interesting concepts for a python project. People around the world are using alarm clock apps. It’s very a basic Command Line Interface (CLI) Python framework for an intermediate-level developer. This project is not, though, your run-of-the-mill alarm clock. You can insert YouTube links in a text file in this program and design the program to read the file. If you set a certain time in the alarm clock, select a random line from YouTube and play.
Python News Aggregator
News Aggregator is a web application which aggregates data (news articles) from multiple websites. Then presents the data in one location. The goal is to build your own news aggregator web application by integrating Django with other technologies. You will need to have some basic knowledge of the libraries that include the Django Framework, BeautifulSoup, and requests module.
Image Recognition Project – Python Artificial Intelligence
The rise of artificial intelligence has contributed a lot to the development and popularity of the Python language. So, the goal of this project is to make computers understand and segregate the visual information from a picture that is uploaded to it. You can do that effortlessly and efficiently using the libraries and frameworks such as ImageAI, TensorFlow, OpenCV, Keras, and NumPy.
Emojify Project – Python Machine Learning
The emojify project replicates the expressions of the person or the picture through emojis. The purpose of an ML model is well served only if it can be used interactively through a web app by the users. The goal of this project is to build a simple end to end Machine Learning web app using Flask and deploy it on AWS. You can train the DeepMoji dataset using LSTM units in Keras. And make use of Jupyter Notebooks for providing an interactive console.
Gender and Age Detection with OpenCV – Python Data Science
A Convolutional Neural Network is a deep neural network (DNN) widely used for the purposes of image recognition and processing and NLP. To build a gender and age detector that can approximately guess the gender and age of the person (face) in a picture using Deep Learning on the Adience dataset. Another prerequisite for completing this project also requires OpenCV.
Image Classification Model with CIFAR-10 Dataset – Python Deep Learning
CIFAR is an acronym that stands for the Canadian Institute For Advanced Research and the CIFAR-10 dataset was developed along with the CIFAR-100 dataset by researchers at the CIFAR institute. The primary goal of the project is to develop a convolutional neural network model from scratch for object photo classification. Some of the resources required for building this neural network should involve Keras and CIFAR-10 dataset.
Barcode Scanner – Python Computer Vision
The project helps you understand and implement the algorithm that can detect barcode in an image using computer vision and image processing techniques. Some of the resources that you will need for this project include OpenCV, NumPy, and imutils.
LED Light Lamp – Python Internet of Things
The mood light changes the color of the LED light according to the mood. The goal of this project is to build an IoT controlled mood light system using Python. Some of the libraries that can be useful are Arduino and Python IDLE.
A Music Player
You can create a music player app that can play music, browse the folders of your files, and check for music. In this python project, you can construct an integrated GUI that can be used by daily users. The app will have a neat GUI that will allow users to search the songs, increase or decrease the volume, display the name of the single, artist, album. This project would concentrate on the fundamentals of Python programming, database administration, algorithm design, and data processing.
Expense Tracker
The expense tracker is a software program that lets you track and evaluate expenditures. You can create a basic cost tracker to keep track of the user’s expenses. Make the cost planner do predictive research and detailed consumer observations into their spending so that they can properly manage their expenditures. You may use PySimpleGUI to build an interface for this program, as well as Python libraries like Pandas and Matplotlib.
Quiz Application
Create a regular quiz framework that poses a series of carefully curated questions to users, encourages users to answer the same questions, and shows the correct answer if they are incorrect. Each test will show the user’s final score. Provide the login option, where certain users may be called Administrators. These administrators will set up checks. The quiz needs to be revised. This program includes a database to store all users’ questions, responses, and ratings. You can also glam it up with timer features.
Currency Converter
Build a simple Python GUI application. You may create a currency converter that can calculate currencies from one unit to another, such as translating the Indian rupee into a pound or a euro. The architecture of this program would be simple – the primary purpose, i.e. the transfer of currency units from one currency to another, should be the main priority. You will use Tkinter, the basic Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit shipped with Python.
Site Connectivity Checker
The role of the Site Connection Checker is to visit the URL and show the status of the URL, whether or not it is a live URL. Typically, the site connectivity checker visits the URLs at regular intervals and returns the results each time. This project would operate on the same lines – monitor the live state of the URLs. Site Connection Checker is one of the most interesting python projects for beginners.
Post-it Notes
You may render a simulated replica of a real, sticky post-it note. The key purpose of creating this application is to enable users to take their post-it notes everywhere they go. The program should include an alternative for building an account, various formats for post-it notes, and a categorization function to allow users to segment their notes. You should start using Django for this project because it has a built-in user authentication feature.
Password Generator
Creating a good password and recalling it is an expensive operation. You can create a program that takes certain words from the user and then creates a random password using those words. Users can remember the password with the help of the words they gave as input.
Concluding our list of a handful of interesting ideas and projects you can build using Python, we can say that Python can be a very useful programming language to develop applications of all sorts and scales.
Thanks for reading, and enjoy coding ❤.
Additional Reading
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